Hey Fellow ‘Busters!
Though I have not read the crossover yet (or any Harry Potter books & the movie), I did find a crossover of both! It is a strange coincidence that you brought up the crossover, because as I was looking through the magazine stand (at my favorite corner drugstore) I noticed the MAD MAGAZINE’s new issue with Harry Potter on the cover. Though I am a CRACKED MAZAGINE fan, I was curious at what kind of parody they would do with HP in MAD, thus the reason to look inside the evil that is MAD

; well anyway…
…I had flipped through the magazine to the end where MAD does it segiment “A MAD LOOK AT…” this of course was “… Harry Potter”. Well, I had look at this one small 3 Sqaure strip (going down; on the right page, on the right side) with a headless ghost accidentally scaring these people (at least it looks that way, you'd have to see for yourself) and at the bottom we see that Hogswart had called upon the only people who could put a stop to it…. the GHOSTBUSTERS! Not only was it the GBs, but what they were like in GB1! It was awesome to see them again, esp. in a quick parody of Harry Potter!
If I had a scanner, I would scan the scene in, but unfortunately I don't. If someone else out there has a scanner and is able to pick up a copy of MAD (with HP on the cover), scan the scene for all to see!

Well, gotta be heading out, 'Busters! Take care all and have a good and safe Thanksgiving!!

Campi, I was wondering if you might repost (on here) the RGB/Calvin&Hobbes crossover? Just curious. Thanks!