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13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
13 years, 9 months ago
Dr. Vincent Belmont
It can be made. By whom? Vigo the Carpathian used magic to conjure this psychomagnatheric ectoplasm as source of malice to feed his resurrection.
Recently, we managed to find the grimoire of the Carpathian despot. Of the many disgusting magics written within, this particular spell was by far the most advanced. It wasn't a “create mood slime” spell, mind you. It was entitled (translated to english) “Conjure forth the waters of the river Styx.” Morbid name? Yes indeed. This spell was literally used to infuse Vigo with life by pooling ambient malice into a cohesive negative energy mass to feed his resurrection spell.
The byproduct is the mood slime we all know.
I will not make any for anyone, no matter how well I'm bribed. I was curious and tried the spell myself. It's FLAWED if you don't do the whole human sacrifice thing. What was the result of this epic magical botch? Well, have you ever watched that Disney short of “The Sorcerer's Apprentice?” Yeah…I think you can fill in the rest.
Alternatively, the stuff can be “bred,” in a way. The ectoplasm will replicate if feed positive or negative energy. If you want positively charged slime, read to it, sing to it…say supportive nurturing things to it…or the more disgusting among you may actually sleep with it.
For the more “amorous” among you, if you ever have a “special friend” stay the night, place an ounce of the stuff at the bottom of a very large container and set it on your nightstand. Be sure to also play some Barry White. That increases production thrice over. You should have about 6 gallons of the stuff by morning…
Anyways…for those of you too busy to pay attention to slime, a slow but effective method of getting mood slime to generate is to let it listen to some feel good songs. I hear Raffi works especially well. You should have a gallon out of an ounce in about 2 weeks.
Much safer than using magic, lemme tell you.
Dr. Egon Spengler
I find some of the comments on this thread curious. When the theory of psychomagnetheric ectoplasm production Vincent mentions was only an untested theory, I approached Janine in regards to performing an experiment to test the theory. Once I made it clear that, as a responsible scientist, it behooved me to conduct the experiment personally, she became rather enthused about the prospect.
Despite some unexpected results–the production of far more psychomagnetheric ectoplasm than I had anticipated–she was unbothered, and, indeed, seemed quite pleased to have so actively contributed to the pursuit of paranormal knowledge.
13 years, 8 months ago
13 years, 8 months ago
Doc Fritz;171178
Lol…it reminded me of a discussion on the GBI board before the game came out. It's not official, but it got some good laughs