Where to find Extreme and Real GB toys?

by shottin_it_GBstyle

21 years, 3 months ago

Im am always trying to find both extreme and real GB action figures and accessories. Everyone tells me ebay is my best bet. I know that it is but I have pretty much given up on that. I was wondering if anyone knew sites where u can find this stuff and also if it ever appears on ebay. What im really tryin to find is the extreme gbs proton pack and the extreme ecto 1. if anyone has any input on this please reply

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

I direct your attention to the Marketplace Forum where you can ask about where to ger RGB and EGB toys to your heart's content


Hands new member a Proton Pack and Instruction Manual

Remember, this is not a toy

Welcome to the boards

Doc Fritz will be here soon…

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to Ghostbusters Central! In accordance with the traditions of this forum, we now present you with the following (Get a wheelbarrow)

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ghostbusting and Ghostbusting for Dummies It does not mean we think you are either an Idiot or a Dummy, but we have to be safe. Like Kingpin said, the proton pack is not a toy…

Here's a link to Frequently Asked Questions, first written by AJ Quick/Ectoman and revised by Kingpin; as well as a suggestion to study the FAQ section at the very top of the page. They will come in very handy.

As an extra special bonus–this topic will be whisked along to the aforementioned Marketplace forum, where it's far more likely to draw the response you want.

And of course, on behalf of my great friend Dr. Riddle, your own jar of Peter Venkman Peanut Butter.

Again, Welcome :-) (^_^)

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 3 months ago

Fritz do you have that saved some where on your computer?

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Is it that obvious? :-)

Yeah, I actually created and saved a message during the GBN days, and modified it for GBCentral.