where u can buy this comic???!!!

by therealghostbuster

21 years, 7 months ago

I was just wondering where these comic books will be sold, im located in toronto ontario canada. thanks for all the help!!


by MasterSpider

21 years, 7 months ago

Check out your local comic book store for details, ask whoever's running the shop if they'll be getting it, and if they haven't heard of it, ask them to look into it…

by 6and7eighths

21 years, 7 months ago

<pimpage> Your friendly neighborhood Suncoast, of course! </pimpage>

Seriously, though, Suncoast will carry it if it's available for general distribution.

by AgentD

21 years, 7 months ago

I'm sure regular bookstores will carry it as well.

by Glycerine

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, not ALL regular bookstores will carry it as well. Many of them usually can't request what books to get sent to them.. Once the book is out and there is an ISBN # (at least I think you could probably get comics with an ISBN #, or at least ask them to try and get an issue or two in specially) THey can get you almost anything. I asked the manager of my local bookstore if he was going to get it and he told me that he wouldn't know what they're going to send him until a month before he gets the books (my bookstore didn't get any of the 80's revival books for a LONG time after they came out and now the only one they get is GI JOE). But I'm sure that if you weren't able to get the comic you'd be able to order it through many of the online comic subscriptions that there are.. There used to be a thread for that on the old board. From what I've read though we have until November for the first issue (someone supposedly asked the guys at the SDCC booth) so that leaves a bit of time to ask around and see where you can't try to get the comic in.

by definenormal

21 years, 7 months ago

No one in my town has heard of it… so i hope one of the people i talked to will look into it. But i never thought of asking suncoast. I'll have to make trip to the mall today.


by 6and7eighths

21 years, 7 months ago

Keep in mind, Suncoast hasn't received anything official yet. There's no official date and no XREF number, and to make matters worse, most stores didn't receive the RetailNet upgrade to allow them to order things other than movies and some CDs. Aside from the fact that it's merchandise directly tying into a popular film, there's no way of telling whether or not your local Suncoast will carry any given GB product until the shipment with it arrives.

by toygeek1

21 years, 7 months ago

Um…guys? You're over-thinking this.

This is a comic book. If you have a comic book store nearby, then you're pretty much set. And no, most places haven't heard about it yet. It's not hit Previews yet. Until it does, asking them if they're going to stock it isn't going to do you any good.

My suggestion is to keep an eye on Previews magazine, and when it pops up there, order it yourself.

Until that time, I wouldn't get too worked up about it.

by d_osborn

21 years, 7 months ago

toygeek is right… the proton pack is not a to… uh… wait… i mean that if you have a local comic book store, you don't have anything to worry about. for those of you who aren't blessed with a comic book store, there's always ebay!

by JimPhelps

21 years, 6 months ago

i wish we stil lhad a Suncoast in Savannah, they packed up and shipped out about 3 years ago…