Whether you give up or not.. don't lose hope

by Biggsexi

22 years, 3 months ago

Look, I know some of you, including me have pretty much given up on a Ghostbusters III any time soon anyway.. What I have to say to everybody is look, Ghostbusters will live on.. no matter what.. I've read scripts (MSCOTT's).. and seen artwork (Fixer), that honestly, and I truely believe this, would blow away anything Sony or Akroyd could throw at us… So, don't lose hope, Ghostbusters isn't dead… as long as it lives with us. Hell, I'll tell you what, Sony's got the wrong people working on script conception and artwork don't they? wink peace.

by WayneW.

22 years, 3 months ago

I would like to, but it's hard when you've been waiting so long, and the closest thing to GB3 has been Evolution. Er I hate that movie

by theo136

22 years, 3 months ago

you have an excelent point.
whether gb3 is made or not i feel that with all the scripts,comics,posters,ect.
GB will live on forever. its like the old saying “YOU CAN TAKE MATEIAL ITEMS AWAY BUT YOU CANT TAKE AWAY WHAT SOMEONE HAS LEARNED”. Any wayz I will keep dreaming and who knows GB3 could be made after all


by boogie138

22 years, 3 months ago

don't worrie a lot of us won't lose hope, I refuse to , even though i know at times it seems ghostbusters are dead. Its up to us to keep it alive.

by GBFreak

22 years, 2 months ago

I'm not really too worried about it. If they make one, that fine, and if they don't then I won't care. That is how I look at it.