Which actors/actresses would you like to see in GB3?

by sinister1

18 years, 9 months ago

On suggestion from Fusi0n, this sticky post is the definitive place to discuss potential actors to play new roles in a potential GB3 movie.

Any new thread along this line of conversation will be locked.

Enjoy the posting.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

I would like to see Jason Statham (from “The Transporter”) as the devil entity.

by Kingpin

18 years, 9 months ago

I would like to see Jason Statham (from “The Transporter”) as the devil entity.

Intriguing choice. Very intriguing…

by xander

18 years, 9 months ago


I can see him as the devil. Good chocs (*peter) .

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 9 months ago

I still go with the more popular choices of Johnny Depp (that guy can play any part amazingly, and I love his humor i.e. Pirates of the Caribbean) and Will Smith (he's a good suave guy, and I love a lot of his movies). However, on top of these two, I must add my favorite young comedy actor… Ryan Reynolds. Seriously, watch Just Friends, Van Wilder, or Waiting, and tell me this guy doesn't do comedy well. And the action aspect is there for him as well, as he combined comedy and action more than perfectly in Blade: Trinity. Also, in Just Friends, he has a line of “I'm gonna miss him”, and you can't hear him say it and not think of Venkman saying that about Peck, it's even said in the same tone.

by venky1

18 years, 9 months ago

for some reason i've cast anthony hopkins as the devil in my version. theres something about the way he can deliver evil lines that make you laugh for all the wrong (and right) reasons.

that and steve zahn are two that i definitely wouldnt budge with.
and im currently rewriting ryan reynolds into my story as well.

by Wes_the_Ghostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

i would like to see these four actors as the new Ghostbuster team in GB3

Ryan Reynolds

Jack Black

Jessica Alba - it would be kind of cool to have a girl ghostbuster

and Chris rock

plus Dan , Harold , Rick and annie and reprize there roles in the movie.

by Wes_the_Ghostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

i forgot bout weaver , the guy who played the mayor, slimer,Ernie Hudson and anyone else i forgot to come back for GB3 too. Hope ivan reitman or him directing with his son co directing. that would be cool. :-) (*_*)

by DemonicGozer

18 years, 9 months ago

1.Bill Murray
2.Dan Akroyd
3.Harold Ramis
4.Ernie Hudson
5.Rick Moranis
6.Annie Potts

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 9 months ago

Doctor Venkman
I still go with the more popular choices of Johnny Depp

If he was in the movie, that would be the only reason 15 year old girls who wear “I <3 Captain blah blah blah” shirts from Hot Topic would go. They wouldn't go because of the comedy, they'd only go to see him and him alone. He would overshadow the cast and the movie would be a trainwreck. Plus he probably wouldn't be in it if he wasn't the lead character. Plus paying his salary would probably cut into the special effects department budget and all the jumpsuits and proton packs would be these:

The same goes for Will Smith in every way, except it'd be the 15 year old girls who grew up to be 30 year old girls who loved him on “Fresh Prince Of Bell Aire”.