Which actors/actresses would you like to see in GB3?

by Sharon_Dead

18 years, 7 months ago

No one can play the Ghostbusters, except the original Ghostbusters themselves. But i would also like some of these actors in the movie, because they're my faves: Christina Ricci, Brad Douriff, Jennifer Tilly, Johnny Depp and Jack Nicholson.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

18 years, 6 months ago

well, your avatar shows a hint of it

Yeah- those Brits are smug bastards aren't they?

by NvrChnge

18 years, 6 months ago

You people you people you people….In order to get the “feel” and attitude out of the original and into Part 3. You cannot change a thing. NOT A THING. Keep all of the original cast. Write it over and over until you get Murray back. He was cocky in the first two so yeah, he's got to be cocky and arrogant with a sense of humor just like that in the third. You're going to get a cheap version any other way. Im not going to go into character details right now. But that's one aspect that will severely decapitate this franchise, just like Star Wars. Sure it was a blockbuster…but there was hardly anything in those shiny movies that could have led to shity star cruisers battling in the dessert like in the last 3, which were actually the first three until the high and mighty's decided to do a cash-in. I mean, c'mon, reinstate just ONE frachise correctly. Look it, Superman is gay. Starwars…omg, don't even get me started. We come to find out Darth Vadar is a whiney spoiled bitch for most of his young adult life. Alright, remakes are only a way to satisfy blockbuster hunger and then after that big weekend, the fan fare is over. THAT'S IT. Give us something to talk about for years to come again. Give us a third installment of “Ghostbusters” that isn't torn apart by popular opinion. Because we would never have legendary films if we didn't have unpopular actors playing the parts. Screw Johnny Depp, and screw that guy who played in “Envy”. He's a funny guy, don't get me wrong. But No Combination Could Ever amount to the carisma that the originals brought. They were just like real newyorkers at the time, no one really knew them by their real names. That's the jazz baby. You can't recreate that unless you have the original Ooze that it all came out of. I could go on forever. But I'll leave you all to your opinions about my opinions now.

“Goodbye dynamics, Hello Special Effects!”
“Hello dynamics, Welcome Special Effects!” Which one sounds better?

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

I agree with ya ma broda NvrChnge

by fusi0n1

18 years, 6 months ago

Wow, what an entrance.

I as well as a lot of others agree with you NvrChng, but the chance of it happening is getting slimmer and slimmer. I have the same opinion on remakes, but if it may be the only possibility left to jumpstart the series for the next generation.

I mean, look at the trend of comedies. How many others are as entertaining as the original movie? It's all boob-injected slapstick schlock. I mean Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers, are entertaining (for me), but I don't see the current viewer audience rushing to a clever comedy like GB.
Sad but true.

by Kingpin

18 years, 6 months ago

Sadly it seems the intelligent comedy is pretty much dead, and it's been the reason why I won't accept any Brat Packkers for a GB remake or new instalment as their regular comedy style is unsuited for this franchise.

If we start getting boob, dick and fart jokes beyond the sarcastic retorts of one of the Ghostbusters then there's something fundamentally wrong with the script.

by fomeboy

18 years, 6 months ago

If we start getting boob, dick and fart jokes beyond the sarcastic retorts of one of the Ghostbusters then there's something fundamentally wrong with the script.

hein! don't even think about that Kingpin lol

by Courage

18 years, 5 months ago

i'd like to see it done entirely in muppets.

by Courage

18 years, 5 months ago

Glenn Danzig as Samhain

by Kingpin

18 years, 5 months ago

Glenn Danzig as Samhain

Dare I even ask for the basis of his selection to play the spirit of Halloween?
