Which actors/actresses would you like to see in GB3?

by GBRob

17 years, 1 month ago

Haven't checked out this entire thread but has anyone mentioned Steve Carell as a GB?

by GBRob

17 years, 1 month ago

Ahh… good one.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

I said it before and I'll say it again: David Hewlett.


by mdp872105

17 years, 1 month ago

Toby Migure. I mean come on how awesome would it be to see spider-man swinging through New York with a Proton Pack on his Back.

With Great Power comes great responsibility, Tights, A mask, Cool powers, and now a proton pack :-) (^_^)

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Toby Migure. I mean come on how awesome would it be to see spider-man swinging through New York with a Proton Pack on his Back.

With Great Power comes great responsibility, Tights, A mask, Cool powers, and now a proton pack :-) (^_^)

And then Carnage appears, slash the ghostbusters from behind, miss Toby (spidersense), and die under the particle beam half a second after… naaa, the movie won't reach the theater or the videostore :p

It still can be good as a “deleted scene” of a “alternative ending” :-)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years ago

Y'know, I was thinking that Ed O'Neil would make a good constantly stressed, nervous wreck of a mayor of NYC. The guy's a Shakespearian trained actor and never get's the work he deserves.

by mdp872105

17 years ago

Toby Migure. I mean come on how awesome would it be to see spider-man swinging through New York with a Proton Pack on his Back.

With Great Power comes great responsibility, Tights, A mask, Cool powers, and now a proton pack :-) (^_^)

And then Carnage appears, slash the ghostbusters from behind, miss Toby (spidersense), and die under the particle beam half a second after… naaa, the movie won't reach the theater or the videostore :p

It still can be good as a “deleted scene” of a “alternative ending” :-)

Yeah i would have to agree just think one broken web line and theres a wild particle beam tearing across skyscrapers injuring the people inside. J.J. would have have field day with that headline :-) :-)

by muthapussbucket1

17 years ago

What WOULD a proton stream do to someone?

by Kingpin

17 years ago

What WOULD a proton stream do to someone?

Depending on the strength, lightly singe a person or charboil them.