Which game system will you get?

by secrecyguy

18 years, 5 months ago

Now the war is on. We will soon see the new Nintendo Wii and Sony Playstation 3. We already have Microsoft XBox 360 from last year.

Which video game system are you most likely to get or already have? If you are planning to get more than one than choose the one you think you will end up using more often.

If you are not planning to get a game sytem by the end of January 2007 than don't vote.


by gbandrew1

18 years, 5 months ago

PS3 for me.

by xander

18 years, 5 months ago

Same here.

by inebriantia

18 years, 5 months ago

Nintendo Wii (mainly for zelda)

by fusi0n1

18 years, 5 months ago

PS3 for me!

by DekaRed

18 years, 5 months ago

If more games of interest to me come out XBox 360 eventually. Otherwise, I'll probably sit this one out.

by IgnatzKaspir

18 years, 5 months ago

I'm most interested in the Wii(should've kept the name Revolution though :-)). It has the best price, and offers the most innovation. To those planning to get a PS3, good luck with the $500-600 price tag. (*_*)

by matthew1

18 years, 5 months ago

seeing as though nintendos new console is based on movement they should have called it the Kinetic.

I'm getting a Wii. A ps3 if it drastically goes down in price.

by newrecruit1

18 years, 4 months ago


by newrecruit1

18 years, 4 months ago

I realy wonder why they fall already on the PS3… they are getting the best of it (PS2) with great new games on the market. I think it's a bit too fast. And what will happen to the online games?

On my side, I will wait before a buy a new system. Where that will lead? Will they bake again their old recipes for the customers? I'm sick and tired of their “first person shooter” and horror games.

In the past, games were made to have a lot of fun, not to get an headache after hours of playing at solving puzzles in a dark environment where a mad killer, in a “brainbuster” script, try murder you.

Did you observe how many bloodthirsty games there is?
Do you feel the game industry promote too much streetgang and gangster crap?
Do you think half the military games are made to seduce the teenagers so they can find an interest in the army? (hell, last year, my governement made a try, talking about challenge like if it was extreme sport! {and look, some online game ask your creditcard number before you log on, and in the game manual they propose you to get in the army! Do you think the industry goes too far})

I think the game industry becomes more an insult than anything else. But nintendo is goin in the good direction I think. I don't think I will buy a new system, cose I don't think there'll be anything new for a gamer like me. But if I had the choice, I think, (that surprise me) I'll go for nintendo!