Which game system will you get?

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

yeah let's kick that poser pimp's butt lol ha ha

btw… this is the first time I don't see you laughing… must be something lol

by newrecruit1

18 years, 3 months ago

Hey, now we know that the consol is resistant: only a little hole after all those hard hit! :p

The only purpose of their action was to shock and protest against the exaggerated consumption. Saw that on TV. And I must say: I found it realy funny. Imagine the eyes of the “gamers” ahah! :-)

Well, it's a bit stupid if you ask me. If you want to protest against the exaggerated consumption you go shake the industry, not buy a console and destroy it.

And don't think he's only a “guy under a pimp disguise” who just give 600$ (it's 600$Can here) to destroy a console. This guy is a member of a website where people offer their share to see him in action.

It's more stupid if you ask me: to give money to a website to protest against “the exaggerated consumption” by destroying a worthless piece of plastic and circuits… it's like throwing your money in the fire. Now that's “exaggerated consumption”. Well some people are rich enough to waste their money. But I rather suggest to give the money to better action than this.

Well, it can make you laugh the first time

by newrecruit1

18 years, 3 months ago

You know, I realy wish the game company to hit a wall with their new console. Xbox360, ps3, wii. I want them to change everything NOW.

Come on, they promote their toys saying: “the quality is better, the games are awesome, the details are great” It's the same bullshit each time they sale something.

In the past, it was true. But today it's almost nothing new. Would you realy want to give almost 300$can for a wii just to do the same kind of program over again, but only with a different joystick or in a new kind of environment? ouch. That's dumb. You need to ask for more.

When the Nes turned in SNES, man there was some change. When the SNES turned in the nintendo64, wow. Now playstation, 3DO and else, wow. Computer, Playstation2, Xbox, WoW!

But now what. PS3, Xbox360, Wii?!?! Eurk, I think I'm gonna be sick!

We want VIRTUAL REALITY. We are tired of artificial intelligence. We want something that will put us in a FREE environment where all the characters will be players! Now they will have a reason to work on the details and picture quality and you will have better reasons to pay for their stuff.

All the rest is worthless when you got too much experience in the game industry.

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

long live pacman

by TheTaskmaster

18 years, 3 months ago

Did Wii break your TV? Seriously, here is an article detailing a dangerous (non-software for once) flaw with the Wii.



18 years, 3 months ago

Either the Xbox 360 or the Nintendo Wii.
Gears of War, F.E.A.R, and Dead Rising are among some the games I'd like to play on the 360.

I've been waiting to play The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. So, I might have to pick up a Wii.

by Zedd

18 years, 3 months ago

Brock keeps bugging me for a ps3 but I'm not paying that kind of money for it. I'd rather spend the money on a skiing trip - does that make me a bad wife? LOL

by fusi0n1

18 years, 2 months ago

Actually scratch my previous post, I'm getting an Xbox360 in the next few weeks.
PS3 will retail in Oz for the price of two Xbox360's! No thanks. I saw Gears of War and many others at my friends house (on his massive projector screen), and I'm sold.

We were also able to play split screen on Call of Duty 3, online and verse other people. Now that's thinking for gamers!