Which ghostbuster are you most like?

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 5 months ago

I'd have to say that I'm more like Winston. I just want to get a good job and then live on my own and pay my own bills. I don't have any interest in getting a PHD or a masters degree in anything. I'm not really smart like Ray and Egon. And I'm not a womanizer like Peter. And I don't like being sarcastic about things (unlike Peter)

by DkiDClue

14 years, 5 months ago

always thought of myself as ray, very down to earth , smart ,quirky ,very excitable, big heart

could see my self being gung-ho about catching ghosts for the rest of my life

by doctorvenkman1

14 years, 5 months ago

I have a lot of aspects of both Ray and Peter.

I'm very excitable, and smart, and genuine like Ray. And I'm sarcastic a lot like Peter.

by ghost_buster_x

14 years, 5 months ago

id like to think that i have a bit of all of em in me

by JamesCGamora

14 years, 5 months ago

I always had an affinity towards Egon and Peter. I mainly leaned towards Egon's cold scientific nature. There was a reason when I was a kid I always thought Egon was the leader of the Ghostbusters since he was the brainchild behind the concept, the scientific mind behind the equipment and in the cartoon was usually the person who came up with all the solutions to the problems.

Btw, While I am on the subject of Egon, I was reading a very convincing argument the other day that was trying to say that Egon had Asperger syndrome

by Vinz-2206

14 years, 5 months ago

A bit of Winston, but mostly Ray.

by jedimiller

14 years, 5 months ago

Im like Ray.

by zeddmore

14 years, 5 months ago

im very like ray and peter

by ghostbuster_x1

14 years, 5 months ago

I would say I am like Egon, Ray and Peter.

Reasons why, are simply:

I can be eccentric and a bit of a loner like Egon and I like doing various projects as hobbies, that often other people would find quite nerdy.

On the Ray side of things, I also like to collaborate my efforts with whatever work I am doing, with another equally talented individual. If they are smarter or more talented than me, I slip into ray mode, and let them do a lot of the thinking while I get on more with the “hands on” stuff. I also tend to have a real interest in the paranormal, and when people usually start discussing something related, I can't help but inject some of my knowledge into the conversation.

As for Peter, I can sometimes be ridiculously sceptical about certain things, and go against my own knowledge and beliefs with the paranormal. I also have a tendancy to try and lighten up a serious situation with a joke or two and I definitely have some cheap moves when it comes to romance.

by EgonSpengler86

14 years, 5 months ago

Maybe I'm smarter than I give myself credit for. I actually can read just about any book with no difficulty so I'm not exactly unintelligent. I know nothing about fixing cars (probably couldn't even change oil and also can't drive safely have no license). If I wanted to i could get a college degree. Though I absolutly hate homework and don't want homework to take up my time. Which is why I'm not in college. I have a feeling Peter probably hates homework too.