Which movie was better? Die Hard 4.0 or Transformers?

by chriz

17 years, 6 months ago

Grim Santo
ok I think we were watching two different movies. The acting was pretty damn chessy. Don't get me started with all the “Drama” Slow Motion shots. Michael Bay is a hack.

Everyone I know gives it glowing reviews , the only ones who don't were disappointed with how diffrent it was from cartoon

I thought it was very well done , Yes it had some faults but what movies don't?

by gbandrew1

17 years, 6 months ago

Army of Darkness

by GrimSanto

17 years, 6 months ago


I didn't mind that it was different from the cartoon. What i did mind is shots of people holding hands in slow motion. Reused shot from Bad Boys and or this other films. The cheesy and over the top acting. The overall plot. Megatron being used for only 15 minutes of the movie. The crappy final battle…. Just to name a few.

I don't think Transformers is evil, It was enteraining (It going to be a great HDDVD movie) but Die Hard was a much better.

Well not all of the reviews for Transformers were going. Over at Rotten Tomatoes is has a 57%


While Die Hard 4.0 or Live Free or Die Hard got 80%


by chriz

17 years, 6 months ago

Yeah but Rotten tomatoes gave superman returns 77%


and gave V For Vendetta 74%


despite the fact returns was horrible and was like one big plot hole. and V for Vendetta been a great film.

I don't trust sites like that.

by GrimSanto

17 years, 6 months ago

77% vs 74% is pretty close… both movie got good rating and both were good in there own ways. Superman Return wasn't the best but I wouldn't call horrible it, by any means.

57% vs 80%… is a pretty big gap. one being good, the other not so much.

by NewMorganRose

17 years, 6 months ago

I love TRANSFORMERS! (^_^)

by MasterSpider

17 years, 6 months ago

I never really liked Transformers as a kid. Dunno what went wrong or where. But the movie was alot of fun. I think they both kind of copped out equally, but I guess that being the case I liked Die Hard better…

by venky1

17 years, 6 months ago

die hard was awesome but if you want to talk cheesy, john McClane took out a fighter jet.
granted, transformers was a michael bay movie but, then again, how serious did you expect a movie about giant talking robots to take itself.
they were both excellent, but i give the edge to transformers