We have addressed this already here.SavannahGB-
There are more than 1 moderators, one may let posts slide, and the other may not. But that topic was a brewing flame war; Chad had received the message and knew about it. Ghostbusters dot net is not a place for users to carry out wars. You can use email for wars.
Your topic was not related to Ghostbusters Movies, the forum that it was in, and since we cannot move posts we had to delete it or let the Movie forum be overrun. We did it for the good of the community as a whole.
You hit the nail on the head, but in addition to that, someone may disagree with the choice of a mod and that would be chaos.
Ectoman, JESUSFREAK, Egon 13-
We moderators thank you for your defense of us and for referring people to us, even though it shouldn't have been necessary.