Who did the voice?

by JimPhelps

14 years, 8 months ago

In the RGB episode, “Ghosts R Us”, I can tell Frank Welker is the voice of the Baby Ghost, Laura Summer as the Mom ghost, but who does the voice of the Dad ghost? Ive been listening and rewatching it, and I really can't tell who does it. Does anybody know?

by Kingpin

14 years, 8 months ago

Bet it's probably Maurice LaMarche.

by JimPhelps

14 years, 8 months ago

Well, he is that good. Its just that listening to it, I couldn't fit any of the other cast members voice to it. It definetly doesn't sound like Lorenzo, Arsenio or Maurice to me. But it does have to be one of them. I still can't tell which one it is though.

by thejoker1

14 years, 8 months ago

It doesn't necessarily have to be one of those three. They often brought in VAs from outside to voice guest characters, which I think they did here also.

by JimPhelps

14 years, 8 months ago

Well, I know its someone I've heard before…I'm not sure from where, but I know ive heard him before. Thats a bad thing about a lot of old cartoons…voice credits are sorely lacking when it comes to some voice artists. You might hear them a hundred times, get told their name and nobody will recognize it.

Its starting to drive me nuts….I recognize him, but I don't. Who is it and where do I know them from?

by RealmMan

14 years, 8 months ago

I'm fairly certain it's either Eddie Barth (more recently, he voiced Frank the Pug on the MIB animated series. Sadly, he passed away earlier this month) or Reni Santoni (usually cast as the cliche Italian guy in sitcoms of the mid-'80s. A lot of ADR work, too, according to IMDb).