Who do you think should be a ghostbuster in gb3?

by slimer3881

19 years, 11 months ago

i like this guy *points to Wesyeed*

by imported_Ghoulishfright

19 years, 11 months ago

I definately agree with Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi directing. But no deadites…please.

My picks would be;

(*peter) Peter: Bruce Campbell (Would be perfect)
(*ray) Ray: Ray Liotta (he's got the name), or Brendan Gleeson (RGB style)
(*egon) Egon: Ted Raimi (He's got the glasses & geekish persona)
(*winston) Winston: Don Cheadle (Great actor)

by JimboStantz5203

19 years, 11 months ago

(*ray) I must say thats a pretty good call on all of those…bruce definitely fits that really dry just comic wit bill had and used so well that just seemed to make all of his jokes work. One thing we also must consider though…whose gonna make the new GB theme song…ray had the original,run dmc did the theme for GB2…just gotta wonder whod step up and knock one out of the park with a new re-vamped GB theme

by slimer3881

19 years, 11 months ago

I definately agree with Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi directing. But no deadites…please.

My picks would be;

(*peter) Peter: Bruce Campbell (Would be perfect)
(*ray) Ray: Ray Liotta (he's got the name), or Brendan Gleeson (RGB style)
(*egon) Egon: Ted Raimi (He's got the glasses & geekish persona)
(*winston) Winston: Don Cheadle (Great actor)

finally, a good fan casting. i was getting tired of people wanting to cast fricken Freddie Prince and all the teen movie actors for the parts. fuckin retarded. and the actors you named, fit perfectly. dont know about Ray Liotta though, he's a good actor, i just dont think he could be Ray.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

19 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, I said Ray Liotta cause he looks like the comic version Ray. He usually plays the tough guy but I know he could be more sensitive like, he's versatile like that. And Brendan Gleeson would be perfect, but he's Irish and so far GB's have been American/Canadian so I dunno. But yeah those would be my picks.

by slimer3881

19 years, 11 months ago

Philip Seymor Hoffman could be a decent Ray, he's a good character actor he could take any role.

by Buckaroobwana

19 years, 11 months ago

I like the idea of an all new team of GBs trained by the originals. It'd be like Star Trek the Next Generation. With strong enough actors and characters it could work.
What made the original characters work so weel is the way they all represented parts of a whole.
Venkman: The Mouth. Resident wise-cracking smartass and de-facto leader
Stantz: The Heart. Slightly goofy and vulnerable, but warm.
Spengler: The Brain. Logical to a fault, co-leader.
Zeddemore: Common Sense. Winston brings the much needed dose of bravery to the team.

So who is best suited to character taking these roles?
Resident Smartass: David Spade, or Danny Masterson
Heart and Soul: Seth Green would be perfect here
The Brain: I like Topher Grace as the Egon type, he could even work in some Venkman style sarcasm.
Common Sense/street smart black guy: Cirroc Lofton. He played jake Sisko on Star Trek DS9
I'd also like to see a woman on the team. The girl who played Willow on Buffy the Vampire Slayer would be cool.