Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

dude, a guy that weighs 200 pounds is not fat! especially ones that are over 6 feet tall! and yes, aykroyd, ramis and murray happen to be over 6 feet tall!

and who gives a d*mn if they arent 20 years old and have a rabid team of teenage droolers, who think talent is how girlish their faces look.

i like men, not girlish femine dolls with a pound of foundation on their faces. men are like aykroyd who has his cars, motorcycles and blues, harrison with his airplanes, helicopters and carpentry…etc… not justin timberflake with his little golden curls. ::gag::

just because they are young and cute (they look worse than a fat kids buttcrack to me) doesnt mean they are more talented than somebody whose been in the business for hell knows how long and has proven himself for YEARS that he is an extremely talented, versatile and great actor.

sure, why dont we have ben affleck play egon, jimmy fallon or justin timberlake play venkman, little bow wow play winston, and ashton kutcher play ray…sure… I HATE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE OVER-POPULARIZED TWERPS!

::looks very very very very green::

bluto, same again, hell if aykroyd (ford etc…) asked me to marry him, i could careless how many years older he was (um lemme count…35 for aykroyd and a whopping 45 for ford!) and i still plan to host my little website for all to see…its not like the 87 is inconspicuous either.

im sorry if im ranting and sort of angry sounding (and using a few four letter words every so often…), i apologize for that much, however, i have strong feelings about the evil of recasting movies. movies are my BIGGEST passion. and the 70s and 80s will live on!

as belushi's epitaph reads, “i may be gone, but rock 'n roll lives on.”

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

I don't think the third movie should be as comedic as the first two.. It needs to be darker and meaner. Today's ghost chasing movies are dark and gritty.

silver…you arent a fan of ghostbusters are you? dark and gritty is the exact opposite of what the franchise stands for. its a comedy. it was meant to be one. did you ever realize aykroyd, ramis and murray began their careers as comedians? on saturday night live nonetheless.

todays ‘ghost chasing movies’ happen to be short-lived, unmemorable, lame, stupid, forgotten in a week, gross, sick, trying to add sex into the whole thing, foul-mouthed pieces of sh*t. (not all but the majority are.)

ghostbusters isnt a horror film. if you want a horror film with cute young actors, sorry silv, but ghostbusters just aint for you.

sure, it should have some cool nemises…but was mr. stay puft ever scary? com'on!

its a hokey, little comedy that just happens to have ghosts in it.

and i love hokey, little comedies.

it was never meant to be the exorcist, anaconda or steven king's IT.

food for thought.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

AAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! Justin Bimboflake as Venkman????? Oh my god that would suck major a$$!!!! If I ever saw him playing any of the GBs I'll shoot myself in the head.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

Nile, I compleatly agree with you on the whole teen idols issue. I'm not attracted to any of them. They're ugly, talentless losers. Aston Kutcher, Colin Ferrell, Justin Timberlake, those guys aren't men, they're boys. I don't like boys, but I do like men.

Basically, the point that I'm trying to get across here is that the real hardcore Ghostbusters fans want the originals, not the flavor of the week actors. It's not about appealing to a wider audience, it's about appealing to the same audience that Ghostbusters has had all along. Ghostbusters is not something that is going to change to keep up with the times, the modern day media is one of, if not the, most evil things on earth. I don't need people telling me what to like, no one does. The problem is, most people don't realize that they're being told what to do, what to wear, etc. If we have a new team, that's letting the media win, and I won't let them. I've seen the God damned light, the media fucking sucks, they turn you into mindless robots without you even knowing it.

And Ghostbusters shouldn't be dark and gritty. That's not what GB is, and if GB 3 was like that, it would be called conformity. Modern day ghost movies suck and Ghostbusters should NOT follow thier lead. GB was ment to be a comedy, and by God, it'll stay a comedy franchise.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

yes, anybody who can say right here that they follow things that arent popular because they enjoy them has “SEEN THE LIGHT!”

this is a HUGE issue for me. i dont like people saying that you have to like something only because its popular.

i was never popular in school, i likely will not be, because im not that kind of person, ive always liked things that were unpopular, and ive been teased for them. but i still havent given up on my passion for what i love, have i? nope. im still up and kicking about my anti-popularity mission.

i have literally gotten into fights over defending john belushi. all people remember (if they know who he was at all) is that he died. i was kicked off a messageboard because i defended aykroyd and belushi by saying just because they at one time did drugs, doesnt mean they are automatically bad people. and yes you read right, i got called a drug lover and got kicked off the board. they didnt even listen to the fact that i never said i supported drugs. i only said that i was a fan of their work and i respected them as people, and their talent.

by the way, ive even gotten into this argument with my own dad.

i hate bringing this up, but i had a depression problem where i was sent to a rehab program. a lot of girls there were recovering junkies, anorexics, bolemics, sex-addicts, alcoholics etc…guess what? they are still some of the nicest people ive ever met in my life. i could careless what theyve done as long as they learn from their mistakes.

todays media is evil goddammit! i so agree! its pure mindless rubbish. survivor anyone? god i hate those shows!

harrison ford once said “i was never in-style, thats why ive stayed so long where i am.” take or lose a few words. i read that quote in an interview a year ago, and yet i still remember most of it.

ghostbusters was meant to be what it is. it stars who it stars and should never be destroyed by introducing new actors into the franchise as stars and keep it the way we all love and remember it.

by jesusfreak1

21 years, 5 months ago

You do realise the first movie was dark in it's own unique way?

Its not the fact of Comedy, it's making it believeable. Thats what seperates GB from other horror/ghost movies, Ivan wanted it to be believeable and Funny at the same time.

It's a very delicate balance….

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

I know that there was a darkness to it, and that should stay. I'm just saying that we shouldn't lose the comedy aspect of it too.

It's been about two years since I've “seen the light.” Before that I was into what was popular. This is a long story, but I'll write the condensed version of it because I don't feel like typing the whole thing out right now.

When I graduated from junior high, I decided to go to an all girls high school, because it was alot smaller than the public high school, and I thought it would be a better environment for me. I went there for a semester and then decided that I'd be happier at the public school. For that semester that I was at the private school, I felt depressed, I thought about suicide alot, never attempted anything, thankfully. To this day I'm not quite sure why I was so depressed (I suffer from depression, though), I had friends there and stuff. Anyway, when I started going to the public high school, I felt immedatly better, but I felt like something was missing, for some reason I knew that I wasn't going to be the same. I used to be into bands like Blink-182, New Found Glory, crappy bands like that. The night before the day before spring break, The Blues Brothers was on t.v., and I'd seen it before (hey, I'm from Chicago) but I hadn't seen it in awhile, so I watched it with my mom and my brother. The movie really struck a chord with me this tims, I was in awe just watching it, and the music really got to me. The next day, everyone was talking about spring break plans, and although I was going to florida, I didn't care. I was thinking about The Blues Brothers not only that whole day, but all through sprink break. I bought the movie when I was in HOB in Orlando. I started to buy thier albums shortly after, and everything evolved from there. My parents had introduced me to GB, The Blues Brothers, Animal House, The Not Ready For Prime Time Players, etc. around the age of two, but it never really becme part of who I am until now. Ever since then I feel compleatly disconnected from my generation, and I don't care. I know absolutley nothing about anything that is popular, and I don't care. I now know that the media was turning me into one of thier mindless robots, and now they're not.

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

Who brought Justin Timberlake into this???!!!! Yeah, the GB fans want only the original cast with no additions.. But there aren't that many GB fans anymore.. I keep trying to say that you have to think like a movie company.. You know very well that if they think about a GB3 it won't be made unless they add New faces to the team.. And once again I'm not saying replace the original actors like replacing Jodie Foster in Hannibal.. I'm saying Yes, bring in the original cast.. But have them recruit and train a younger team.

Who says that all of todays younger stars are a flash in the pan?.. The older stars today which you all love were young when they started! And YES I am a Ghostbusters fan.. When i think of my childhood, being a Ghostbuster fan is the best way to describe it. I'd love to see a GB3 as much as the rest of you but it has to be made a certain way in order the Columbia Pictures to greenlight it. Regardless of what Few ghostheads want. Do you want ghostbusters to turn into star trek?… Whenever anyone thinks of star trek they think GEEK FEST. If GB3 is just the original cast.. It will be only the few ghostheads left seeing it. And then the franchise will certainly be dead..

Yes GB started out as a comedy.. Be they need a change in order to be big again. Make a grittier story.. Like make the stakes Higher.. Global.. instead of NYC. Who says big bag ghouls can't come from somewhere else. Gritty stories can have comedy.. But GB3 can't have more comedy than Action.. If it is going to be a sci fi movie it has to bring itself into the 21st century. If we want more sequals past a third movie.. We DEFINATELY need new recruit additions to the main cast.

And Ramis is Fat.. I'm simply stating a fact. Whoever else that thinks otherwise must be in denial.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

I get whare you're coming from, but I have to disagree. Yeah, the movie companies would want a younger team so that the movie would do better, but you can't be sure that it actually would do better that way. I'm sure that there are many, many, many people out there that would rather see the original cast without another team in GB 3. And I'm not talking about just ghostheads here, I'm talking about most people in general, I think that they'd rather see the original cast back in action.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

remember billy murray. you know why he wasnt hired in 1975? its because his face was pock-marked! and look at his career now? do you think he would have made it in hollywood today?

today they want people who are perfect figured/perfect faced…and usually as skin level pretty as you can get.

harrison ford has 4 fake teeth that are implants (his top front four were knocked out during a gunsmoke episode), and his nose is completely smashed and crooked from being broken so many times. and that scar on his chin is from a car accident.

dan aykroyd has webbed toes! and a crooked back. he also has two different colored eyes.

all these people are all very big in hollywood. they were all given crap about their deformities. and do you think any of them would have made it today? HELL NO! these people are extremely talented individuals. it also tells you that hollywood has become a breeding ground of fake people today. at one time, you could still make it if you were very talented and not exactly model pretty.

young actors have lost sight of this and so have the film companies. these are people who really were at the beginning of this age of the media. the 70s and 80s shaped it rightly, the 90s and 00s screwed it into the neitherworld. notice how the quality of movies has gone from phenominal to sucky to hell in the last couple decades?

and usually the only movies that are good today are ones made by veteran actors that managed to make names for themselves back a long time ago.

do you really think rodney dangerfield, john candy or either of the belushis would have made it in hollywood today? im laughing at you if you say yes. back in the 70s and 80s…yes they would.

i mean use star wars as an example. mark hamill had is freakin face ripped off in a car crash between anh and esb. his nose was sheared off completely! and rebuilt with cartilage from his ears.

what if george lucas had said, sorry kid, were going to replace you with brad pitt, because hes better looking. the hero of star wars cant have scars all over his face.

did they do that in the 70s? NO!

now if an actor got their face got ripped off, the hollywood people would probably send them a get well card that said p.s. your career is now finished.

bobby driscoll. he was a disney staple in the 40s and 50s. he was the voice of peter pan. he was in the mickey mouse club. he got acne when he was a teenager. disney fired him. he died of a heroin overdose at age 31 because he was depressed from not being able to find a job. OVER ACNE! so this is no new thing at all.

this is why the 70s and 80s anti-conformity culture started in the first place. to get rid of sh*t like that. unfortunately parts of it took a turn for the worse, but the idea was good in the beginning. and thats what saturday night live stood for. TALENT, not FACE.

chevy chase was there just to get it off to a jumpstart, but if you think about it, he was against everything snl stood for. he was already famous. and people cared more about his looks and forgot the fact he was only moderately talented. (and a jerk)

now saturday night live is a breeding ground for jimmy fallons with his rabid team of droolers. he isnt funny. hes just ‘oh look he screwed up again, isnt he soooo cute!’

no gritty ghosbusters movies. if aykroyd and ramis conformed to that, id personally boycott the movie. IT IS A COMEDY!

so im sure sony will be giving aykroyd and ramis sh*t pile over sh*t pile to try to get them to put in a ‘kid’ like universal did to aykroyd in bb2k, or new cast members to take the reins. thats the thing that would destroy the ghostbusters franchise. adding kids to movies is the downfall of just about every franchise in history. and we all know it!

thats why it should be the actors of yesteryear showing hollywood what movies are made of. good quality entertainment and fun. this ghostbusters movie has the potential of frying hollywoods new culture. it really does.

johnny depp in pirates i believe did a wonderful thing. a non-pretty boy and non-conformist showed hollywood he could reign supreme. notice how you almost completely forget about orlando bloom and keira whats-her-face? i thought that the grimy pirates being shown for what they were was a step in the right direction for hollywood.

so lets harken back to the world of 80s comedy with a ghostbusters sequel that could change how hollywood thinks of its aging stars.


6'3" (about what he appears to be) and age 60…most guys that are those two things are not beanpoles. at that height as you get older, you will fill out.

ever heard of the fact that a lot of actors can diet off the weight if need be for a movie? dan did that for bb2k.

WHO YA GONNA CALL? the same ghostbusters we've always loved.