Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

Regardless of what Few ghostheads want. Do you want ghostbusters to turn into star trek?… Whenever anyone thinks of star trek they think GEEK FEST.

oh sure geek fest. well ill tell you what. I AM A GEEK! i dont like star trek, but i like its better offspring of it called star wars.

if you are so anti-geek, then look at what you stand for. geeks run the world. geeks are your bosses. geeks are bill gates and albert einstein. geeks are inventors that invent all the non-geek crap! geeks run countries, do brain surgery.

and yes, i did dress up as princess leia with full bagel bun glory attached for last halloween. in fact i was the only person at my high school (charter) to dress up. and i was damn proud of it.

this year im going as elwood blues. another ‘geek costume’.

so dont bash geeks. they grade your papers and run where you work.

so before you put a cd in your cd player, remember that a geek invented both the cd and the cd player. in fact, if there were no geeks, youd be still using records, and in fact, you wouldnt even have records!!! edison was the one that invented the first type of musical playing device. super geek!

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

Guess that makes me a geek too.

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

The mass audiences don't want to go see a Geek fest movie.. That's why ST: Nemesis flopped at the box office…That's why Enterprise is on the verge of being canceled… That's why Star Wars isn't doing as well as expected…..

And what's with ya'll saying that there are a lot of people out there besides ghostheads that would like to see a GB3 with only the original cast? Doesn't anyone remember how GB2 flopped? Ghostbusters as a film franchise was past it's peak back in ‘89….

There weren’t enough fans to keep EGB on the air.. And don't anyone give me trouble over EGB being a good show or not.. The fact of that matter is… No matter what fans think is a good show or not, the tv or movie company only looks at ratings. And if noone is watching it, it gets canned. If anyone is a true fan of what fandom they say they are a part of… They will stick with their show/movie and show support… And noone watched EGB! Where were all the ghostheads then. Do you realize that if EGB was a success, there'd be quite a better chance of a GB3?! And I think it's stupid for some of you to say that you won't go to see GB3 if their are new recruits in it.. Where's your love for the GB's? To not go to a movie of a franchise you love so much is like murdering that movie. And I'm sure you'd complaign about them not wanting to make a GB4. If you didn't go to GB3.. You can't complaign!

And Harold Ramis is obese… Geez! Didn't anyone see him on the special features of the GB dvd? And that one college flick he directed where he had a bit part as Dean of that college?… He was way over-weight in that movie.. So taller people can put on more weight and still look alright.. But Ramis put on tooo much weight for his height!… He's fat for his height!. Yeah some actors can put on and take off weight for a role. But that's a lot of weight, especially for an aging actor/director.

And about BB2000.. I think Danny wrote the kid in himself. And that movie was a flop too. Like i said in a post earlier.. He can't write a good movie anymore. He's changed, softened.. or something. The kid wasn't the only thing bad about that movie. It was basically a rewrite of the first movie. So was the beginning plot of GB3: Hellbent!.. It was about the GB's going back into business after years of not being GB's.. Doesn't that sound like the beginning of GB2!?!?!?!

To again mention the new recruit thing.. I remembered last night that back when the rumors of a possible GB3 started many years ago. The rumored plot of the third movie back then contained new recruits. And noone complaigned about it! One of the recruits to be was Chris Farely.. Who at the time was a currents SNL player! And noone complaigned about him being rumored either.. People said they thought he'd be great as a GB. So why are you complaigning about getting a younger team2 and having 1 or more of them be current or recent SNL players?…. And don't mention to me about Chris Farely's weight cuz i complaigned about Ramis'.. I didn't say my opinion about Farely being rumored.. I just mentioned what everyone else thought.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

There weren't enough fans to keep EGB on the air.. And don't anyone give me trouble over EGB being a good show or not.. The fact of that matter is… No matter what fans think is a good show or not, the tv or movie company only looks at ratings. And if noone is watching it, it gets canned. If anyone is a true fan of what fandom they say they are a part of… They will stick with their show/movie and show support… And noone watched EGB! Where were all the ghostheads then. Do you realize that if EGB was a success, there'd be quite a better chance of a GB3?! And I think it's stupid for some of you to say that you won't go to see GB3 if their are new recruits in it.. Where's your love for the GB's? To not go to a movie of a franchise you love so much is like murdering that movie. And I'm sure you'd complaign about them not wanting to make a GB4. If you didn't go to GB3.. You can't complaign!

Did you ever think that maybe EGB went off the air because people didn't want to see new recruits?

And about BB2000.. I think Danny wrote the kid in himself. And that movie was a flop too. Like i said in a post earlier.. He can't write a good movie anymore. He's changed, softened.. or something. The kid wasn't the only thing bad about that movie. It was basically a rewrite of the first movie. So was the beginning plot of GB3: Hellbent!.. It was about the GB's going back into business after years of not being GB's.. Doesn't that sound like the beginning of GB2!?!?!?!

Personally, That's how I figured GB 3 would start. And Danny can still write decent movies. That was just the first thing that he'd written in years. And when I first saw BB2K, I thought that the kid would screw everything up, but he actually wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be. Danny hasn't softened.

To again mention the new recruit thing.. I remembered last night that back when the rumors of a possible GB3 started many years ago. The rumored plot of the third movie back then contained new recruits. And noone complaigned about it! One of the recruits to be was Chris Farely.. Who at the time was a currents SNL player! And noone complaigned about him being rumored either.. People said they thought he'd be great as a GB. So why are you complaigning about getting a younger team2 and having 1 or more of them be current or recent SNL players?…. And don't mention to me about Chris Farely's weight cuz i complaigned about Ramis'.. I didn't say my opinion about Farely being rumored.. I just mentioned what everyone else thought.

I personally wouldn't have wanted Chris Farley to be in GB 3. I have nothing against him, heck, back in the day I was a pretty big fan of his, and I still am. But even back then I wouldn't have wanted him to be a GB 3. I'm pretty sure the most people would rather have the old team back together.

by TheGreatHambino

21 years, 5 months ago

i want the sweet good looks of JTT to cross paths with the ways of a GB
No hatred, just jokes.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

And about BB2000.. I think Danny wrote the kid in himself. And that movie was a flop too. Like i said in a post earlier.. He can't write a good movie anymore. He's changed, softened.. or something. The kid wasn't the only thing bad about that movie. It was basically a rewrite of the first movie. So was the beginning plot of GB3: Hellbent!.. It was about the GB's going back into business after years of not being GB's.. Doesn't that sound like the beginning of GB2!?!?!?!

btw…UNIVERSAL was the one who told danny that they wanted a pg13 movie (the first was rated r if you didnt know) and they wanted a kid as a NEW RECRUIT to bring in YOUNGER VIEWERS. the original plan was to have elwood come out of prison and find out that jake was dead (for your information, john belushi was dan aykroyd's real life best friend), and there was a scene in the script of bb2k that had elwood almost commit suicide over jakes death by jumping off a bridge.

if that had happened…the movie would have done much better at the box office…“but noooooo!” as john used to say, UNIVERSAL wanted to tone down the feel of the franchise and make it kiddy-friendly. remember it couldnt be r-rated.

also jim, the real life brother of john, was to play zee, and elwood would team up with zee.

but jim had other things he was doing at the time and this is where cabs son came in.

marion belushi (sister of john and jim) was to play zee and jakes mother btw. i think that would have been awesome.

and btw, buster blues was one of the best characters in that movie. the kid had spunk and was a little wiseass. to tell you the truth he was the “joliet jake” of that movie.

goodman was dans friend, so it was sort of a ill put all my buddies in my movie sort of thing. i personally could have done without goodman though. ill give you that.

also the biggest flaw in bb2k was that UNIVERSAL gave dan and landis a very limited budget, which meant no money for a lot of car stunts. it also meant that they had to move the film to toronto and not chicago. that was its biggest flaw. toronto is a much cleaner metropolis than chicago is. and blues brothers was a very very very dirty movie. bb2k was bright and clean. the lighting people and landis should have realized that and toned down the lighting.

dan did nothing wrong. he wrote a really good script and UNIVERSAL butchered it.



by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

I'd have liked to see the original script fo BB2K insted of what Universal wanted. It deffinatly would have done better in the box office. I've been saying for awhile now that if they make a third Blues Brothers movie, it should be Elwood and Zee.

And it's pretty expensive to film in Chicago nowadays. Another example of a movie that should have been filmed in Chicago but wasn't is the movie Chicago, which was also filmed in Toronto. I've lived in Chicago all my life (well, the southern suburbs, but I go to Chicago quite often), and it's the best damn city on earth in my oppinion. I know that Mayor Daley and Governor Blagojevich are both trying to encourage film companies to film in Chicago. They're both trying to get costs lowered for worker unions, etc. The issue has actually come up pretty recently, I think that they decided to really push for companies to film in Chicago after it was decided that the movie Chicago would be filmed in Toronto.

The Blues Brothers is a film that is held close to many Chicagoian's hearts, mine included. For example, the hospital I was born at is in the town where the scene in the mall was filmed. (The mall is about 15 min. from where I live.) FYI, the mall is still standing, is not in use, and hasn't been in use since before the movie was filmed. The reason we love it som much is that it really shows off our fine city, and the two main characters are proud Chicagoians who love the music that our city is famous for, the blues, and the way that it's filmed really gives you that dirty, gritty, gut-bucket blues feeling.

We in Chicago want more movies to be filmed in our city, but it just seems to be too damn expensive. Hopefully costs will get lowered.

I got kinda off topic there…….

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago


(cool that the mall is still there…plan to go visit chicago as soon as my parents stop nagging me about wanting to visit just because the blues brothers was filmed there)

id love to see bb3 filmed in chicago with dan and jim!!!! and i really want to see some sort of mention of john and an r rating and kiddy unfriendly…also less is more with the musical cameos. the end scene was the only thing i hated in bb2k. i got a little bored and wanted to see elwood dance or something.

on topic.

dan is only in one of the first drafts of gb3.

*edit= off topic once again

have you ever checked out the first draft of star wars: episode iv: a new hope…try awful. the final movie has grossed 400 million dollars! and was beaten only by titanic in 1997. the movie came out in 1977!!!

han solo was a giant green monster with gills. and luke starkiller was kind of a buff and already famous hero. and luke got the princess (forget the original name lucas had) and meets his sister in the third trilogy.

sounds pretty different heh?

on topic

a lot happens between the first draft and the final product, which is the movie.

so hellbent might seem lame to you miss silver, but the ideas are there. dan just has to work them out. right now hes filling up all the techno babble, then they will go back through it and stuff it with comic relief.

its how all b movies are made.

that reminds me…john and dan sang a song called b movie box car blues.


by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

If I hear anymore disses against Harold, I am gonna go postal and mental!!! :@ :-@ (o_O)

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

Did you ever think that maybe EGB went off the air because people didn't want to see new recruits?-Bluto

Bluto.. if you want to quote everything I said.. Why don't you read it all first? And what is it with all the quotes? Everyone could just scroll up the page and read it.

I said. Don't argue with me about EGB being a good show or not.. That includes the premise (new recruits). The EGB is what Columbia Pictures offered us. If those of you who call yourselves ghostheads were true fans.. You would've watched EGB and supported it to keep the Franchise alive! True fans will stick with their show/movie and show support to keep it alive. But since you turned your back on it, you may have signed the franshise's death wish. Do you really think that Columbia is going to think “Oh, they don't like the new recruits on this low ratings show.. Let's take it off the air and start all over.” No company is going to do that! What they probably thought was “Seems as if Ghostbusters is dead. Noone is watching the show. Lets cancel it and forget about it.”

And to Egon's Babe… Harold is over weight. I'm stating a fact once again. I'm not dissin' him.

Blues Brothers 2000. I think Dan had more control over it than we think. Limited budget!?!?!? They had a big police car crash sequence in it!!!!!..

Kid or no kid. Like I said, BB2k was basically a rewrite of the first film! That's poor writing on Danny's part, don't say Universal forced him into that. He could've made a kiddy movie with a different plot.

And yes, he is losing his touch.. Even GB2 was very similar story wise to GB1.. Start up the business.. Have only one good busting scene (slimer, scoleri bros.)..Play the montage with GB song… Have all hell break loose… Have some large creature walking through NYC (stay puft, lady liberty).. Try to battle the foe at the end, get knocked off their feet, get cover in gook (marshmallow, slime) and defeat the foe without even trapping it (closing gozer's doorway, closing vigo's painting). And again Like i said.. the GB3 draft started out with another starting up the business sequence.