Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

i appologize. blame it all on me. i started it.

whoopsidaisy. :-O

by roshangar

21 years, 5 months ago

Any four of the guys from HBOS's Band of Brothers. Must include Ron Livingston.

by FaNBoY

21 years, 5 months ago

1]Tina Fey as Janine's neice/apprentice or whatnot.You'd also need her to add that SNLish vibe fer the new kiddies.She's also sharply cute and funny to boot.

2]John Goodman as the mayor o New York City.Dan likes the guy,and he would make a good follow up to Lenny.He's also damn funny.

3]Nicky Katt who was on the first few seasons of “Boston Public” would be good as one of Venkman's buddies or family members.He has a Tina Fey-ish humor.

by steckel

21 years, 5 months ago

i think the team could be EGB based 3 guys 1 girl

Eliza Dushku - Kylie

Seann William Scott - Garret

Cuba Gooding, Jr. - Rolland

????????????????? - Eduardo

Jamie Lee Curtis - Janine

Harold Ramis (of course) - Egon

by Ludicris

21 years, 5 months ago

Why would we replace annie potts as janine? and especially with jamie lee curtis. (shudders) :p

by Thanatos

21 years, 5 months ago

i think the team could be EGB based 3 guys 1 girl

Eliza Dushku - Kylie

Seann William Scott - Garret

Cuba Gooding, Jr. - Rolland

????????????????? - Eduardo

Jamie Lee Curtis - Janine

Harold Ramis (of course) - Egon

????????????????? - Eduardo

I got 2 words for ya….


by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

Well to be honest with y'all, Annie Potts isn't that good-looking.

Another idea for a new female addition: Jennifer Garner. She kicks major ass on Alias.

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

I could definately see Tina Fey as one of Janine's relatives. I do agree that Annie Potts should be the only one to play Janine.. But I do see her having an apprentice secretary. I don't think that John Goodman should have anything to do with GBIII. I've truly never liked any of his acting performances. And please… No Jennifer Garner.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

Everybody's a critic. :@ :p

by steckel

21 years, 5 months ago

well it wouldn't really matter to me who did what i'd stil watch it if it still said GHOSTBUSTERS !!!!