Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

Finally. A GB besides myself that would go see it no matter what that movie was like. I've heard to many people say that they wouldn't go see if it it had new recruits.. or if someone wasn't in it.. and who knows what else. Nice to see a supportive fan.

by appletonoutcast1

21 years, 5 months ago

Ok. I totally agree there needs to be girls in grey. My top two choices are Keira Knightley (Bend It Like Beckham, Pirates of the Carribbean) and Mila Jovovich. For males, I'd say Edward Norton and Colin Ferrel. And of course, we'd need to bring the original 4 back, no questions asked. (^_^)

by steckel

21 years, 5 months ago


that's what i think about that whole situation it really doens't matter to me about no team or whatever the heck happens if it says Ghostbusters or Extreme Ghostbusters it don't matter one bloody bit

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, it'd be nice to see more GiG's. Just like it was nice to see some girl jedi's.

by phantamarmalade1

21 years, 3 months ago

The entire original cast, of course….

maybe Ray Romano, John Leguziamo on the side somewhere.


Will Smith
Lucy Liu
Nick Di Paolo


Cameron Diaz
Lucy Liu, definitely
Angelina Jolie

by silverexpress57

21 years, 3 months ago

The entire original cast, of course….

maybe Ray Romano, John Leguziamo on the side somewhere.


Will Smith
Lucy Liu
Nick Di Paolo


Cameron Diaz
Lucy Liu, definitely
Angelina Jolie

The only name I agree with in there is Will Smith. If any of those other actors are in it, they should just be a supporting cast and not GB's.

by Elefant

21 years, 3 months ago

Not including any original cast members:

Jason Lee
Jason Schwartzmann
Jack Black
Will Farrell (supporting role)
Dave Chappell (supporting role)
John Leguziamo (supporting role, must play a homosexual hispanic)

by drraystanz

21 years, 3 months ago

GHOSTBUSTERS 3 starring:
john cusack
jack black
jason lee
kevin smith

by exorcist313

21 years, 3 months ago

Jack Black, Kevin Smith Totally!, Bruce Cambell, and probably Tracy Morgan.

Tell Him Steve-Dave!

by Zedd

21 years, 3 months ago

Tony Todd, Mark Addy and James Gandolfini! YA we could have like the Sopranos Ghostbusters 3 where the guys are on the take!!