Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by Ludicris

21 years, 3 months ago

My Cast Possibilities continued..
1)David Cross
2)Bob Odenkirk
3)Dane Cook
4)Todd Barry
5)Jason Schwartzman
6)Luke Wilson
7)Owen Wilson
8)Fred Armisen
9)Seth Meyers
10)Jimmy Fallon
11)Jason Lee
12)Kevin Smith
13)Matt Damon
14)Conan O'Brien
15)Andy Richter
16)Hal Sparks
17)Micheal Ian Black
18)Stephen Colbert
19)Steve Carell
20)Ed Helms
21)Will Ferell
22)Colin Quinn
23)Dana Carvey

I know Ive said some of these before, but just bare with me. :p

by silverexpress57

21 years, 3 months ago

My Cast Possibilities continued..
1)David Cross
2)Bob Odenkirk
3)Dane Cook
4)Todd Barry
5)Jason Schwartzman
6)Luke Wilson
7)Owen Wilson
8)Fred Armisen
9)Seth Meyers
10)Jimmy Fallon
11)Jason Lee
12)Kevin Smith
13)Matt Damon
14)Conan O'Brien
15)Andy Richter
16)Hal Sparks
17)Micheal Ian Black
18)Stephen Colbert
19)Steve Carell
20)Ed Helms
21)Will Ferell
22)Colin Quinn
23)Dana Carvey

I know Ive said some of these before, but just bare with me. :p

I agree with Jimmy Fallon, Conan O'brien, and maybe Will Farell.. I doubt though Conan would do it, it seems that there is a Late Nite talk show host creed that once yer a host, you don't do anything else (at least in this sense).

by Kyoushu

21 years, 2 months ago

Sorry about bumping this fairly old topic, but I'd just like to say that I'm really liking the idea of Jason Lee and Jeff Goldblum.

by perfect_one2k31

21 years, 2 months ago

Personally I thinkt hat the cast should be totally unheard of. Fresh new young actors taht are looking to make a name for themselfs. I really don't think that big name actors would take such a risk on a movie that could go stright to DVD/VHS. But then agian thats just me. *head tilted to the side arms out*

by Kyoushu

21 years, 2 months ago

While that could be good, and lower the budget, I'm not so sure; isn't the reason for getting new actors attracting an audience to a movie with popular actors?