Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by thespud1

21 years, 8 months ago

Along with the originals and Rick Moranis as a GB again:

Jack Black, Jason Lee, John Goodman, Steve Buscemi, and/or Jim Belushi.

They don't all have to be new recriuts but I wouldn't mind seeing a few of them.

by texasgb1

21 years, 8 months ago

Out of the origionals I would love to see Aykroyd and Murray. I would aslo like to see Willl Farrel or Martin Lawerence step up as a new GB.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

I would like any of the following:

1)Conan O'brien
2)Stephen Colbert
3)David Spade
4)Chris Parnell
5)Jimmy Fallon
6)Luke Wilson
7)Will Smith
8)Chris Rock
9)Will Ferrel
10)Harland Williams
11)Dave Chappelle
11)comedy writer that hangs around with garry busey in im with busey

by Killackee

21 years, 8 months ago

Aye, Ben Stiller, Will Smith, and John Goodman would not be bad (in whatever role). How about the return of William Atherton as Peck (even though he probably wouldn't want to, judging from Ramis's commentary on the DVD…). I do think the old cast can be mentors. It would make it more interesting (a film version of EGB need not be disastrous at all). How about Natalie Imbruglia as love interest of one of the new ghostbusters (but getting possessed in the film…)? How about Jerry Springer as mayor of NY? :-)

by AdamBestler

21 years, 8 months ago

I think that we have had this discussion before.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 8 months ago

I really think all the originals should come back but with a new crew also.
I think the new crew could be Will Smith (yes, I said it), Conan O'Brian, Adam Sandler, and Angelina Jolie. Yes, this time around there should be a girl Ghostbuster. I think they should also have John Goodman in some kind of part. Not as a Ghostbuster though. He had great chemistry with Dan Aykroyd in BB2000. In my opinion, that would be the best the best cast for GB3. Just my opinion, dont anyone take it personal.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Yeah, I wouldnt mind seeing John goodman in a supporting role but not as a new ghostbuster. One reason being he is around the same age as the originals.

by sinister1

21 years, 8 months ago

I placed him as God in my script.

by GmoneyOwnsAll

21 years, 8 months ago

Adam Bestler
I think that we have had this discussion before.

Hello?!, This is a new board. We have to restart old good threads.

by ilookedatthetrap

21 years, 8 months ago

alright i know this has been here for awile but heres mine

Bruce Campbell
Billy Zane
Orlando Jones….from Evolution
and Eliza Dushku jsut for eye kandy