Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by sinister1

21 years, 8 months ago

ghostbustergirl, beautiful? SO they have to be beautiful? Hmmm…. is it me or is this another girl power thing? A female Ghostbuster wouldn't bother me either way, I just get annoyed when people say: “We NEED a girl GB,” or “A girl GB? NEVER!” It's another chracter, and if it's a girl, who cares!

But when we get girls wanting a female GB who is the “perfect woman” we get into that stupid idealistic area, where girls can do anything and still be good looking. Fact is not true. And I'm not being sexist either, DO you reckon the REAL James Bond's are like that? NO!

I'm just against all sexism and racism, in all negative and positive ways, such as producers saying… we need a black guy otherwise it's not PC… For god's sake, you just need a person, if the guy who turns uo and is the best is black then cool, if he's not, then cool! It seems like these girls are perfect, and that gets to me, the blokes weren't perfect at all!

Ghostbustergirl, seems you're writing a Mary Sue script!

And yes this was a rant! And I believe in al my time on GBN my rant's have been at most 3, including this one!

I'm just voicing an opinion, but it's stupid, I don't think there's EVER a need for girls in grey, mearly a need for new GBs, which could include a female!

by Dr.AndyHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Damn Skippy Sinister. Why should girls be perfect if the guys aren't?

I like equality, but Girl Power is kinda wrong. (does anyone hear white power???)

Instead of the KKK, these psycho-feminists have the KKK-Mart.

Girls, if you're gonna make a ghostbuster, make her like everyone else, HUMAN. Nobody is perfect.

by GBinOrlando

21 years, 7 months ago

yeah. i agree. the LAST thing ghostbuster ever needs is GIRL POWER. you want that. go listen to the damn spice girls.

remember kylie? remember how she sucked? yeah. totally. she sucked. like roland. what were they in again? the politically correct throw in ghostbusters! wow! they're awesome!


by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

lol. That spice girls joke was priceless.

by tom2

21 years, 7 months ago

The original guys training
Ewan Mcregor
Rowan Atkinson
Hugh Jackman
Orlando Bloom (for the ladies)
Vigo Mortennsen
Hugh Quarshey
Ricky Martin (Just kidding!)

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

Of course I'd still like the original GBs to be in the film. GB3 wouldn't be the same if they weren't there. If GB3 was going to feature a new team with the original GBs as mentors, I present to you my proposed list of those who I'd like to form the new team.

Will Smith(hey, he took on aliens, why not ghosts?)
David Yost(also took on aliens and monsters)
Owen Wilson(he's hella funny!)
Anjelina Jolie(she kicks a$$)or Sandra Bullock

Or if it still should be just 4 guys, David Duchovny.

LOL, Jerry Springer as the mayor! Good one!

by ghostbustergirl1

21 years, 7 months ago

Mayor Jerry Springer, lol!!! I think (sorry guys, I know you'll yell at me for this one too!) that Judge Judy would be a good choice to play the mayor. Ok, true she's a woman but she's so sarcastic and shoot-from-the hip that it's hilarious; sort of like Bill Murray I think. And if a man is required for the role, I'd like to see Morgan Freeman do it, (even though he's not a comedy actor he's very versatile). Ok, there's my opinion so you can start screaming at me now, lol….

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Tom: I think all the ladies are happy with your list. Though Rowan Atkinson is a little too old to continue the ghostbusters franchise (not that hes old but you know). But Atkinson would have been a pretty good ghostbuster.

by domhnall4h

21 years, 7 months ago

For people who are well known:
Sean Connery, as the bad guy.
Hugh Jackman, GB
Will Smith, GB
That girl who played Jean Grey in the X-Men films, damsel in distress or GB
Patrick Stewart <insert role here>
Morgan Freeman <insert role here>
that kid who played Spider-man, GB
Jim Belushi, Blues Brother
John Goodman, Blues Brother
A good red-headed actor (I don't like blondes) role depends on the actor

Personally, I think they should go for unknowns for the new team, with the old team acting as mentors. With well known stars, you get drawing power, but you also run the risk of having a movie revolve around those stars. The reason I placed the Blues Brothers in, is because I'd like to see the band make a cameo in a GB movie, maybe be playing a gig when some ghosts pop up, and the GB's come and bust it, then have an all night jam session. So long as B.B. is there, that could go on for the rest of the movie. I'd want the entire original cast if possible, but acting in smaller roles. Essitially like Patrick Stewart in Xmen, he alone has the drawing power to take the movie, yet he played a role which limited him to a wheelchair, and allowed the others, mostly unknowns, to flourish. Though he could have used an astral form to help; that wouldn't have been fair, with the overwhelming power of Wolverine's fanboys, Magneto never stood a chance. And I agree, that the worst thing for any form of plot is to have Political Correctedness. It only makes it biased towards minorities and women, which is no better than being biased towards whites and men.

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Going for unknowns might be able to work out but having a big, young name would help it in the box office and if we ever wanted to see a 4, it would have to do well there. (i know im getting ahead of myself)