Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by TheRazorsEdge

21 years, 7 months ago

Uh, ProtonCharger…Kylie won a poll on the general board for favorite Extreme Ghostbuster…so I'd say most people here don't think she sucked.

In fact, most of the people who like her do so for her depth of personality. So much for your “thrown in to be politically correct” theory, huh?

Interesting that rather than point out the two most obviously unnecessary minority characters, handicapped Garrett and latino Eduardo, you chose her and Roland. Winston was black too…or had you forgotten?

by Kingpin

21 years, 7 months ago

Come on guys, it just wouldn't be the same at all without our original four heroes!!!! I do agree that it's time for some “gals in gray” however, and in my GB3 script there are two beautiful, tough, fiesty, and intelligent cousins from the good ol' Volunteer state who take Manhattan by storm as the newest members of the gang. There is the bold and sassy one that Ray falls for (based on my oldest and dearest friend), and the shy, emotionally haunted, and brilliant one (based on yours truly) that captures Egon's heart. Hey, why should Venkman get all the female attention?? I say this to Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis; guys, we need to talk!!!!!!

Is it just me, or is that almost a word for word copy of the RGB Fan Recommendation's description of what a Mary Sue is?

I mean hell, have a female Ghostbuster, or two, just don't make them unrealistic, don't make them perfect…and for the love of God stop this obsession that Janine's out of the run for Egon. A new girl for Egon is getting old, fast.

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago


by EgonsBabe

21 years, 7 months ago

GBgirl wrote “captures EGON'S heart”.

What that means is HE falls for her, therefore, and I'm sorry to say this, Janine is the one who interferes because she sees her as a rival. The so-called other woman has NO CLUE WHATSOEVER that Janine feels this way, until there's a big blowout(maybe) that JANINE starts, not her. What I'm basically saying is that Janine is the one who's been made the “Mary Sue”, not this other person. Man, someone needs to brush up on their knowing how to read between the lines. Sheesh!

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago


Sorry that just really confused me. I dont know if its me or what but ….

by ghostbustergirl1

21 years, 7 months ago

Ok, I'd like to go on record as saying that this pointless controversy over what I have or have not written IN MY OWN VERSION of the GB3 scripts is getting VERY old!! I DO NOT CARE what opinions other people have of my work; as they are just that…OPINIONS. To be perfectly frank, I think some of the ideas I've seen from some of you guys are a HELL of a lot worse than mine; but have you seen me making constant derrogatory post about them and flinging endless insults???? No you haven't, because I believe that EVERYONE has the right to express themselves creatively. And who cares if my plotline doesn't meet the criteria required to be posted here on this or any other website owned by someone else? I WASN'T PLANNING ON TRYING TO POST IT HERE, I WRITE AS A HOBBY FOR THE JOY OF WRITING. Kingpin, you are entitled to your opinion as am I and everyone else, but please let this STUPID debate over my GB3 plot die the natural death it needs to. I'm tired of having to fight this battle EVERY SINGLE TIME I visit the message board, and I'm tired of having to defend myself against the extremely OVERSTATED opinions of some of you men who haven't the first clue in hell of what my plotline REALLY consists of. Ok; we disagree so let's just leave it at that!!!!

by OddTodd

21 years, 7 months ago

Take the criticism. Criticism is A LOT better than praise, because it tells you what you need to work on on your writing.

by ghostbustergirl1

21 years, 7 months ago

That's all fine and good, but how can someone accurately judge something they know nothing about?? That plus the outright bashing (different than being merely critical), is where I have my problem….I mean, have they actually READ the ENTIRE script that I have in my office at home????? I just feel that they cannot give an ACCURATE critical overview of something they've never even read. I welcome ideas for improvement on everything I do whether it be my job or in my writing, so that isn't what bothers me. Thank you OddTodd for being respectful to me, unlike many others have been.

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

I hope I didnt come across as insulting. I apologize if i did.

by ghostbustergirl1

21 years, 7 months ago

No problem Ludicris, apology accetped even though it wasn't really neccessary. I just get SO TIRED of the same old debate about my plotline. It's kinda like banging my head against a brick wall or something, lol.