Who do you want to be in GB3, the Ultimate Talent list...

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 5 months ago

Oh! Oh! Jeff Goldblum!! Good choice! I can't believe I forgot about him. *smacks herself on the forehead.*


21 years, 5 months ago

EgonsBabe wrote:
Oh! Oh! Jeff Goldblum!! Good choice! I can't believe I forgot about him. *smacks herself on the forehead.*
Yeah, I thought Jeff Goldblum would be perfect as a scientist / Egon Spengler type character.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago



if you want some weird thing to happen, how about ray is visited by his old buddy john. and we get a cgi ghost ghostbuster voiced by jim…lol

hahahahaha…lol. sometimes even i wonder what im on (nothing).

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

I'd hate to see John Goodman in GB3… He did horrible as a Blues Brother. But to add to some of yer lists of possible new GB's… Here's a thought. How about Mathew Broderick and Jim Carrey. And i agree with whoever said Jack Black, he seems like a good Chris Farely replacement.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

whoops, wrong john that i was talking about, but yeah, i dont think id want to see goodman.

if danny got his way, wed probably have john goodman and jim belushi. lol. it seems like thats who he hangs out with a lot.

any of todays snl people are way too goofy for ghostbusterdom.

im thinking just the original guys back again.

by soulwrangler1

21 years, 5 months ago

I don't agree with the modern Not ready for Prime Time Players being too goofy, Chris Parnell would make an excellent Ray type character. Fallon could easilly do a Venkman, Ferrell could pass off as an Egon probably, and Ernie Hudson could still play winston. Because Ernie Hudson has evidently found the fountain of youth and refuses to age.

Then again, this is from the guy that says a recast and pay homage scenario would work better then a new team of idiotic recruits. So thbbbpt.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

as long as fallon stays far far far away!

nah, old fogeys go back in business.

when they are in their 90s they can be battling the ghosts in the old peoples home.

ray by dan, egon by harold, peter by bill, and winston by ernie.

no new guys (its been way overdone in almost all fandoms).

by silverexpress57

21 years, 5 months ago

The ‘new recruits’ that would be in GB3 would have to be or be like some of the people off of SNL today in order for the movie to do good.

I think that if they original ‘busters were the only featured players in the third movie… It’d tank at the box office. They need fresh faces to bring in the younger and bigger crowd.

I hope Danny doesn't get his way all the time with GB3… Cuz he just can't write a good movie anymore.. BB2000 for example. We need someone outside of the first two movie to write a third one. Someone who can see the potential that Ghostbusters could have.

I don't think the third movie should be as comedic as the first two.. It needs to be darker and meaner. Today's ghost chasing movies are dark and gritty.

by NileQT87-Solo_Blues

21 years, 5 months ago

i disagree silver.

more people would want to see the old gbs back in action. not some fake wannabes. recasts and new guys never do as well at the theater.

for example: sean connery IS bond

for example: harrison ford IS jack ryan

both have been redone with other people. and none have done the originals justice.

kinda like old star wars vs. new star wars.

by blutoblutarsky1

21 years, 5 months ago

I don't agree with the modern Not ready for Prime Time Players being too goofy, Chris Parnell would make an excellent Ray type character. Fallon could easilly do a Venkman, Ferrell could pass off as an Egon probably, and Ernie Hudson could still play winston. Because Ernie Hudson has evidently found the fountain of youth and refuses to age.

The modern Not Ready For Prime Time Players? The term “The Not Ready For Prime Time Players” applied to only one cast, the original cast. The nickname was dropped after they all left, and has never applied to any other cast. When someone refers to The Not Ready For Prime Time Players, they're refering to the original cast. Sorry for the little rant there, I'm a little to passionate about SNL.

as long as fallon stays far far far away!

nah, old fogeys go back in business.

when they are in their 90s they can be battling the ghosts in the old peoples home.

ray by dan, egon by harold, peter by bill, and winston by ernie.

no new guys (its been way overdone in almost all fandoms).

Can I get an AMEN?!?!

You said it beautifully, Nile, couldn't have said it better myself. I hate Jimmy Fallon. And I think that the only guys who could pull off Ray, Pete, Winston, and Egon are Dan, Billy, Ernie, and Harold. The originals are the only ones who could do it. Anyone else would suck at thier parts, and the movie would be a piece of crap.

I agree whole-heartedly with Nile on everything that she said. Amen, Nile. AMEN!