Geez…. Do i need to bring a box of q tips in here?….. I said before that they need new recruits… NOT RECASTS. I didn't say anything about replacing the original actors… What i'm saying is that if they were the only gb's in a third movie… I'd be the biggest flop at the box office. They need to follow the lead of MiB and the EGB. And besides them being fat… they are old.. How are arthritis ridden GB's supposed to run around being action heroes busting ghosts? Let's think practically here.
I know that you said new recruits and not recasts, I addressed that in my post. And a GB movie with new recruits would flop, not one with the original cast. I, for one, would not see a GB movie without the original cast. I'm sure most people would rather see a GB 3 with the originals insted of a new team. Why? Because Bill, Danny, Harold, and Ernie
are the Ghostbusters, and
no one else.
As I said before, Danny is
not fat. I should know, I actually met him in June. Now, you can't tell that he's thinner from the picture, but he looked like he'd lost at least 30 pounds. the guys didn't do too much running in the movies anyhow, just a few 3 second scenes, and they're not arthritis ridden eaither.
But who gives a flying f*** if they're old? I'd marry Dan Aykroyd in a heartbeat if he asked me, and he's almost 35 years older than me too! Just because they're in thier 50's doesn't mean that they can't appeal to today's audience.