Who does NOT want GB III?

by egonspengler4

21 years, 2 months ago

The purpose of this thread is not to bash GB III, or those who want it. But merely for me to find out who doesn't want it. Because I was just watching the commercial for “Lost in Translation”, and when Bill came on screen, it was very unsettling.

He doesn't want to do GB III, and I don't want him to.

Neither do I want any of the rest of the cast in a GB III.

When I saw Bill, I was shocked. He's far, far too old to be in an action/adventure/comedy film, like the last 2 GB films. I saw his eyes, and it's as if his very soul is all but dead. He doesn't look like the jolly, wiseassing soul we saw in GB I, and, to a lesser extent, in GB II. He looks hollow. Publicity photos make him look sad. Like his joy is gone. Like it's a hollow shell of the Venkman we all knew and laughed with. Can you imagine Dana tring to get it on with Murray as he is now? What a saddening visual.

I've seen the rest of the cast, and Harold Ramis' call is really directing now. It's what he does best. He doesn't need to be running around reading a PKE meter.

Watching Dan in Blues Brothers 2000 last night made me realize: He's dwindling downhill, too. He's not the hilarious guy I once knew. I can't imagine him saying: “Jane, you ignorant slut.” with any fervor now.

Ernie Hudson is on his way to getting out of the “Ghostbusters” pit with 10-8. It's a really damned good show. If he was to be in a GB film now, it might ruin his chances of being on another show if 10-8 dies, and it will cripple his chances of people recognizing him for something else.

But does that mean I want nothing else GB? Hell no.

What do I want from the cast now? Just the rights to their likenesses, and maybe to voice the GB's in a new show. Or possibly coach new actors to play the old roles perfectly in a new GB TV show or a GB III.

So, who agrees with me in any way, shape, or form?

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 2 months ago

I agree with you.

by PeterVenkmen

21 years, 2 months ago

I could hardly reconize them in the yahoo actor photos. They are getting old now. It's probaly not good for there health to be running around in 50 pounds of rubber pack. I wouldn't mind a re-cast though. GB is a great franchise, but face it, there getting old, the look different compared to 20 years ago.

I agree with you though.

by river_of_slime

21 years, 2 months ago




Im starting to have dopts about gb3 also even thou i would love to see it but as every month passes. But lets be happy with everything we got, we also got one of the greatest comedys of all time and we got great stuff coming from the franchise in the future

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 2 months ago

Would it have worked if it was made maybe in the early nineties? (*ray)

by Brendan_M

21 years, 2 months ago

I think if they did Ghostbusters III without Bill it would kinda smell Cheap.

by d_osborn

21 years, 2 months ago

why is everyone freaking out about bill murray's current appearance??? he looks that way FOR A MOVIE!!!! shave off the beard, dye his hair, or let the natural color grow back out, and you have an older venkman that lost a little weight….

by Zedd

21 years, 2 months ago

me wanting a gb3 has nothing to do with Bill murray's appearance. I just don't think a third movie would really live up to the Ghostbusters legend.

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 2 months ago

a GB3 has a very good chance of ruining a the franchise, Bill doesnt want to do it Dan looks like crap, Ernie is the only one who could actually pull the role off harold doesnt even look like harold anymore, and a new cast might work but its more than likely it wont… no matter what there never going to be able to duplicate the magic of the original and so I am against a GB3.

by steckel

21 years, 2 months ago

GB3 could be done but i can only see akroyd and ramis an winston in it possibly training a new team to take over