The purpose of this thread is not to bash GB III, or those who want it. But merely for me to find out who doesn't want it. Because I was just watching the commercial for “Lost in Translation”, and when Bill came on screen, it was very unsettling.
He doesn't want to do GB III, and I don't want him to.
Neither do I want any of the rest of the cast in a GB III.
When I saw Bill, I was shocked. He's far, far too old to be in an action/adventure/comedy film, like the last 2 GB films. I saw his eyes, and it's as if his very soul is all but dead. He doesn't look like the jolly, wiseassing soul we saw in GB I, and, to a lesser extent, in GB II. He looks hollow. Publicity photos make him look sad. Like his joy is gone. Like it's a hollow shell of the Venkman we all knew and laughed with. Can you imagine Dana tring to get it on with Murray as he is now? What a saddening visual.
I've seen the rest of the cast, and Harold Ramis' call is really directing now. It's what he does best. He doesn't need to be running around reading a PKE meter.
Watching Dan in Blues Brothers 2000 last night made me realize: He's dwindling downhill, too. He's not the hilarious guy I once knew. I can't imagine him saying: “Jane, you ignorant slut.” with any fervor now.
Ernie Hudson is on his way to getting out of the “Ghostbusters” pit with 10-8. It's a really damned good show. If he was to be in a GB film now, it might ruin his chances of being on another show if 10-8 dies, and it will cripple his chances of people recognizing him for something else.
But does that mean I want nothing else GB? Hell no.
What do I want from the cast now? Just the rights to their likenesses, and maybe to voice the GB's in a new show. Or possibly coach new actors to play the old roles perfectly in a new GB TV show or a GB III.
So, who agrees with me in any way, shape, or form?