This is my argument for Bill Murray…
Look at Sean Connery. He's a man in his 70s and still doing action movies. His last flick was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (which in my opinion, was a pretty good action movie). Out of character and out of makeup, Connery is bald, wrinkly,and clearly looks like a 75 year old man. NOT ANYTHING CLOSE TO LOOKING LIKE AN ACTION STAR BY TODAY'S STANDARDS. But, as ‘Allen Quaterman’ (his character in LOEG) he was good for the role and fit the bill. All Mr. Connery had to do was wear a toupe, grow a beard, wear a bit of makeup, and throw a few punches in the movie.
Now look at Bill Murray. Put him through the same makeup process, give him a brunette colored toupe or whatever, and you've got Bill Murray ready to do GB3 and looking young for the role. Someone here said that he's too old to be running around chasing ghosts and carrying a proton pack. That may be true, but its already been stated that he'd only play a cameo role in the movie, leaving active ghostbusting up to someone else.
Murray is an actor, its what he's paid to do. It says so on his screen actors guild card. I really don't give a flying (explicative deleted

) if he's afraid of being typecast because he's been doing the same Venkmanish roles for the last 2 decades. In whatever role he has, he's playing
Bill Venkman.
To get back on topic, yeah…I'd like a Ghostbusters 3. If T3 could do it without Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, and James Cameron, then Ghostbusters 3 can do it with a new cast.