Who does NOT want GB III?

by d_osborn

21 years, 2 months ago

I just don't think a third movie would really live up to the Ghostbusters legend.
neither do i….. at least not the way it was being written….

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 2 months ago

I just have to ask this… Why won't a GB3 work with them being old? What made GB work was that they were normal guys saving the world, not invulnerable superheros… You know how many jokes they could get out of being old… Not to say it would be like grumpy old men, but they could definately pull off a “hip” type of old instead of the crotchity type lol… And having a fat Egon, a burned out Peter, buff Winston, and well… a jolly, plump Ray (MORESO) and a menopausal Janine would be hilarious! And it would probably be better if the story allowed for them devoting their lives to ghost busting instead of having wives and kids… Oh well GB is still do able, it wont be if one of them dies and thats the only exception

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

I don't know, to me that sounds more like a tv special not a full length movie. But who knows right? All I know is that if you replace them (which is what's more likely to happen right) it will probably bomb. Its like if it ain't broke don't fix it.

by Xenographer42

21 years, 1 month ago

I dunno, Zedd, it looks to me like Bill is well and truly broke.

Not to say I like the idea of a new cast, either, and ALSO not to say that I don't want GB3. I just want a time machine, or a cloned Bill Murray with the original animus, and I'm hard at work on both.

by GB3Must_Be_Done

21 years, 1 month ago

I'm gonna say it probably should have been at least around '94; by that time but special effects were getting better.

I dunno… (*ray)

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

Well Xeno he may look aged but I say Bill Murray is like a fine wine lol well him and Ernie Hudson! lol

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 1 month ago

This is my argument for Bill Murray…

Look at Sean Connery. He's a man in his 70s and still doing action movies. His last flick was League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (which in my opinion, was a pretty good action movie). Out of character and out of makeup, Connery is bald, wrinkly,and clearly looks like a 75 year old man. NOT ANYTHING CLOSE TO LOOKING LIKE AN ACTION STAR BY TODAY'S STANDARDS. But, as ‘Allen Quaterman’ (his character in LOEG) he was good for the role and fit the bill. All Mr. Connery had to do was wear a toupe, grow a beard, wear a bit of makeup, and throw a few punches in the movie.

Now look at Bill Murray. Put him through the same makeup process, give him a brunette colored toupe or whatever, and you've got Bill Murray ready to do GB3 and looking young for the role. Someone here said that he's too old to be running around chasing ghosts and carrying a proton pack. That may be true, but its already been stated that he'd only play a cameo role in the movie, leaving active ghostbusting up to someone else.

Murray is an actor, its what he's paid to do. It says so on his screen actors guild card. I really don't give a flying (explicative deleted ) if he's afraid of being typecast because he's been doing the same Venkmanish roles for the last 2 decades. In whatever role he has, he's playing Bill Venkman.

To get back on topic, yeah…I'd like a Ghostbusters 3. If T3 could do it without Linda Hamilton, Edward Furlong, and James Cameron, then Ghostbusters 3 can do it with a new cast.

by Zedd

21 years, 1 month ago

True but T3 still had Arnold. I think if you take away Arnold it wouldn't be as good. But then again I'm one of those picky fickle people.

by egonspengler4

21 years, 1 month ago

Hey, I notcied a few people were kind of getting triggerhappy, because I suggested that Bill is too old. Notice that I didn't say his LOOKS were a problem. His attitude, enthusiasm, and PHYSICAL STATUS. I know the GB films weren't along the lines of Indiana Jones in the way of physicality, but it's still enough to give them all a hard time.

Notice how I pointed out his eyes. He's lost his spirit, I say. His eyes used to be brimming with a comedic soul. Sure, he can fake it and seem like he's okay, but I can tell he's probably fed up with acting, and maybe life, he looks depressed and hollow.

Of course, if they dared to get back together for GB III, of course I'd see it, I'm just not expecting one or particularly wanting one. No need for you to jump on me, OSBORN. You jump on others with no return-reaction, but if you jump on me, I'll jump right back, so just cool it, okay? You may or may not have been aiming at me. But just in case….

*Fires up Proton Gun*

by stayinpuft1

21 years, 1 month ago

Thats not true Egon… If people attack back, he blocks them!