J. Grant;79862 It's not sick. It was just a question.
a stupid question at that
by jennie
14 years, 10 months ago
I voted for Peter. Both movie and animated.
It's funny, it's not so much about the looks - it's the attitude. There's something very sexy about a confident (albeit overly-confident) man with a good/sharp sense of humor to him. Looks come secondary to personality, not that they're not important (because I'd be lying if I said they weren't), but personality wins every time. And Pete DEFINITELY has got personality. LOL
by FanofEGB
13 years, 8 months ago
Well, I may be new here, but I fall for Egon way too easily…….He is hot……but I truly think Garrett is sooooooo hot……..decisions, decisions…….Garrett FTW, even though I'll still like Egon, animated and movie version…….
Actually, even though I like Egon, I LOVE GARRETT MILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's soooooooooo hot………and the way he busts ghosts……..EPIC!!!!!!!!