Who should be in this movie

by Ghostbusters3willrock

16 years, 3 months ago

I've finished grade school. What I wrote isn't bad at all. What you wrote doesn't mean nothing at all. What grade are you in Preschool? Stop acting like a jerk on this board! You need to grow up major big time because your acting like a little kid. I'm 29 years old and I'm grown up your not. You don't see me calling you names so please stop calling me names because it ticks me off. pal you need help major help so get help and act grown up on this board. This is the place to talk about Ghostbusters 3 not ticking people off and calling them names are you blind or what? Stop acting like a show off on this board Grow Up!!!!! Go back to school and learn how to read and write. Really dude Grow UP!!!

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132605
I've finished grade school. What I wrote isn't bad at all. What you wrote doesn't mean nothing at all. What grade are you in Preschool? Stop acting like a jerk on this board! You need to grow up major big time because your acting like a little kid. I'm 29 years old and I'm grown up your not. You don't see me calling you names so please stop calling me names because it ticks me off. pal you need help major help so get help and act grown up on this board. This is the place to talk about Ghostbusters 3 not ticking people off and calling them names are you blind or what? Stop acting like a show off on this board Grow Up!!!!! Go back to school and learn how to read and write. Really dude Grow UP!!!

Telling people how to learn to read and write while using “your” instead of “you're” and the double negative of “doesn't mean nothing”. And I can't even begin to grasp how many things are wrong with the phrase “grow up major big time”.

Calling people “jerks” is calling people names by the way.

Telling people to act “grown up”? Look in the mirror long and hard pal. You've been spamming the boards and saying the same things about IMDB over and over again. You've been suspended for it twice and continue to do it.

I encourage everyone who is annoyed by this guy acting immaturely and ridiculously to PM Chad about it. This needs to be taken care of and it needs to be made clear to the Admins of this board that this guy is a detriment.

by matthew1

16 years, 3 months ago

The question of who should be in this movie is probably the main topic of discussion regarding this film. I think that the question is an answerable one due to the fact that we havn't seen the script in order to understand the characters and because we don't know and understand the characters how can we cast them? There's no way of telling which actor would be right for which part!

However if you're asking “which actors would be good for playing the extreme ghostbusters”?, it's not really something I want to think about. I find the mere idea terrifying…and somewhat depressing . It's a movie I would neither buy, visit the theatre for, rent, download for free or watch on television.

by theo1361

16 years, 3 months ago

ok heres my cast
shawn waynes (he is funny but can be serious)
Ethan Embry (Remember Freaky Links?)
Kal Penn
Steve Carrel (being trained as a supervisor)
for a female have Anne Hathaway or Amy Poehler (Im leaning towards anne)
and for good measure Michael Biehn as a “War Hardend Vet” lol
also the original cast

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 3 months ago

ok heres my cast
shawn waynes (he is funny but can be serious)
Ethan Embry (Remember Freaky Links?)
Kal Penn
Steve Carrel (being trained as a supervisor)
for a female have Anne Hathaway or Amy Poehler (Im leaning towards anne)
and for good measure Michael Biehn as a “War Hardend Vet” lol
also the original cast

The age range among these actors is one thing that might make it not work out, first of all.

New recruits probably wouldn't be as hard to come by as it was for them to originally hire Winston, so they wouldn't have to take just anyone. But hiring guys who are in their late 20's, early 30's is one thing, but hiring guys in their mid-40's isn't much of an improvement over where the GBs themselves would be at this point (yes, I know they're all older than that).

I wouldn't want Shawn Waynes. Ethan Embry and Kal Penn would both be pretty good though. Steve Carrel could work if they went with an older cast of guys. Amy Poehler needs to never be near a GB movie. Anne Hathaway, however, is nice on the eyes, and a good actress. Michael Biehn, I haven't really seen in anything. Looks like he could play a young enough part, but I'm not sure about the “war hardened vet” aspect, lol.

by theo1361

16 years, 3 months ago

Doctor Venkman;132634
The age range among these actors is one thing that might make it not work out, first of all.

New recruits probably wouldn't be as hard to come by as it was for them to originally hire Winston, so they wouldn't have to take just anyone. But hiring guys who are in their late 20's, early 30's is one thing, but hiring guys in their mid-40's isn't much of an improvement over where the GBs themselves would be at this point (yes, I know they're all older than that).

I wouldn't want Shawn Waynes. Ethan Embry and Kal Penn would both be pretty good though. Steve Carrel could work if they went with an older cast of guys. Amy Poehler needs to never be near a GB movie. Anne Hathaway, however, is nice on the eyes, and a good actress. Michael Biehn, I haven't really seen in anything. Looks like he could play a young enough part, but I'm not sure about the “war hardened vet” aspect, lol.

I agree with some of your points, I still think shawn would be good, and I just said Amy because thats what people were saying after Bill said he wanted a female GB, as for michael biehn that was just a lame attempt at humor, he was kyle reese in terminator and Hicks in aliens I could just picture him running out in the middle of the street trying to take on stay-puft by himself lol (See gb3willrock this is how you should take criticism LIGHTLY )

by Kingpin

16 years, 3 months ago

Ghostbusters3will rock;132605
You don't see me calling you names so please stop calling me names because it ticks me off.

Made just a sentence earlier in your very own post:

Ghostbusters3will rock;132605
Stop acting like a jerk on this board! You need to grow up major big time because your acting like a little kid.

Patrick, I feel I speak for everyone when I say we've just about tollerated your “contributions” long enough. I will be recommending you for a permanent ban.

I have also taken the liberty of temporarily locking this topic so you don't have the ability to turn this thread into a soapbox to complain about me, or other members of this forum.

We have been more then fair with you and you should know that you brought this on yourself by being beligerant and always fighting with anyone who has disagreed with you.