Who should make the new ghostbusters song?

by robertknippels1

18 years, 1 month ago

Of course I would like to see ray parker jr song in it. But who will do another remix of ghostbusters. Will Smith??? I heard years ago that he would love to do a ghostbusters mix.

best regards,


by sandmanfvr

18 years, 1 month ago

You mean like he “we're back” theme? I don't know. At when the main intro is going, ray parkers classic should be used. In GB2 that had the new stuff and the old. Should do the same with GB3.

by slimer3881

18 years, 1 month ago

or have Ray Parker re-record the song with 00's modern instrumentation.

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

Use the same song. We don't need any re-dos and I sure as heck don't want any remixes.

by robertknippels1

18 years ago

I remember that Ray Parker Jr told once that he wasn't finished with the song and music but that Ivan Reitman thought the song was good enought. Maybe he could redo it and work it out further. I was always interested in the idea's he had…I thought he wanted to have more lyrics in it.

Best regards,


by Kingpin

18 years ago

It'd at least be interesting to see what Ray could do with the song using the same melody, but the wider array of instuments available.

I just hope that if such a hypothetical venture were ever undertaken, he wouldn't do a Bono ALA Do they know it's Christmas?*

* = Bono had professed to not liking how he'd done the line “Well thank God it's them, instead of you” in the original 1980s version by BandAid… however in the 2005 revamp he did his more ‘ideal’ performance was in my mind vastly inferior. If RPJ were to re-record the song, I wouldn't want that or a George Lucas to happen… where the artist destroys the work of art.

by EnglishGhostbusterFan

18 years ago

I would like to see the Original Song used in Ghosbusters III.

by matthew1

18 years ago

It would have to be Ray Parker Juniors classic theme. I'd like him to rerecord it as the original does sound a little dated now. Just a tweak here and there to bring it up to date. That'd be great. Plus, it could mean Ghostbusters getting back into the top 40 charts!

I wonder if that'll ever happen! It'd be really interesting seeing how the song would do!

by secrecyguy

18 years ago

Considering what music I have seen in Ghostbusters 1 & 2, most likely, they going to use a well known singer or band.

I do think the Ghostbusters music will be re-made.

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years ago

or have Ray Parker re-record the song with 00's modern instrumentation.

ray parker doesnt do that kinda music anymore i think


some ones gotta bring back the 80s man!!


i tihnk an orginal Chris Cornell song would work…not a remake of the orginal theme but something that he can create that would go well..

he did the opening sequence for Casino Royale and it was perfect!