Who should score the movie?

by Ghosthunter_X

18 years ago

Hans Zimmer, Hands down

by slimer3881

18 years ago

Hans Zimmer, Hands down
NO! what did i just say? how many times!

by Sayingkingkilla

18 years ago

I could listen to Elfman's Batman and Beetlejuice theme hours on end.

by DocFritz

18 years ago

Just for those who didn't know: Danny Elfman was in Oingo Boingo. Oingo Boingo was on the GB2 soundtrack.


by Gildir

18 years ago

John Ottman's score for Superman Returns incorporates themes from John Williams' score for the first Superman movie. I hope that the same approach is taken with the Ghostbusters III score. Elmer Bernstein's “Ghostbusters Main Title Theme” and “Dana's Theme” were very much missed in Ghostbusters II; even if the character of Dana has little or no role in GB3, the former theme, at least, could and should be used.

by RealmMan

18 years ago

Somewhere, long ago, I read Danny Elfman always wanted to do a GB score. Maybe.. (he said, wistfully)

by CrossingtheStreams

18 years ago

Somewhere, long ago, I read Danny Elfman always wanted to do a GB score. Maybe.. (he said, wistfully)

where did you hear this?

he would in fact be the perfect canidate for this movie

by RealmMan

18 years ago

Crossing the Streams
Somewhere, long ago, I read Danny Elfman always wanted to do a GB score. Maybe.. (he said, wistfully)

where did you hear this?

he would in fact be the perfect canidate for this movie

I don't remember where (internet? magazine? TV?) just that I seem to recall having seen it somewhere. Maybe an old issue of Starlog…I'll go archive diving when/if I have a chance.

by slimer3881

18 years ago

being a huge Elfman fan, to my understanding, it seems Elfman is a pretty generous worker, he's willing to do something if he's just asked nicely, i'm sure he'll wouldnt hesitate to score something as big as Ghostbusters. but dont quote me on that.

by Kingpin

18 years ago

being a huge Elfman fan, to my understanding, it seems Elfman is a pretty generous worker, he's willing to do something if he's just asked nicely, i'm sure he'll wouldnt hesitate to score something as big as Ghostbusters. but dont quote me on that.

There are some scores you'd (Not you specifically, Slimer, but everyone) be surprised he's worked on. He did some, if not all of the score work for Chicago and I could easily see him doing quite a good score for a ‘Ghostbusters 3’.

He is pretty much Elmer Bernstein's successor.