Who sucks the most? Least favorite Ghostbuster characters

by DocFritz

21 years, 6 months ago

Aw, heck, I said I ought to do it, I'm gonna do it…

Who's the most irritating character or group of characters we Ghostheads have the misfortune of having associated, for good or ill, with our beloved property?

The contenders:

The Filmation Ghostbusters
Bargain basement animation, cliche'd characters and a Skeletor knock-off villain (voiced by the same guy, no less!) with the Arbitrary Moral of the Day stuck at the end. Filmation was just trying to make money off of the name they technically had first but nobody cared about until a certain movie came out…

Extreme Ghostbusters
The Ghostbusters revamped for the Nineties, featuring a bunch of new characters that most found too Politically Correct and Sterotypical. The darker plots and atmosphere of their series also turned off a lot of RGB fans.

The Junior Ghostbusters
Nothing says “creative bankruptcy” quicker than “let's create a bunch of kid counterparts of the heroes that the audience can ‘identify with’ ”. What a load of crap. Let's put it this way: JMS once said he'd only use them in his scripts if he got to run over them with a truch.

Professor Norman Dweeb
What's not to like about him? Howabout…he's got a descriptive but unrealistic name, he's about as credible as a scientist and ghost hunter as Baghdad Bob's press briefings, and he looks like a reject character from The Far Side to boot.

Tough call for me, but I vote for Dweeb, barely edging out the Junior Ghostbusters. The Juniors stank up more RGB episodes than Dweeb, but Dweeb's episodes included the hated clip show, “Deja Boo”. The Filmation guys were on a seperate channel and I could ignore them very easily. And I'm in the minority who actually liked the EGBs…

But let's hear what everybody else thinks!

by Shadow_weaveR

21 years, 6 months ago

Filmation ghostbusters rule man.

by DocRyedale

21 years, 6 months ago

Doc Fritz
Professor Norman Dweeb
What's not to like about him? Howabout…he's got a descriptive but unrealistic name, he's about as credible as a scientist and ghost hunter as Baghdad Bob's press briefings, and he looks like a reject character from The Far Side to boot.

Tough call for me, but I vote for Dweeb, barely edging out the Junior Ghostbusters. The Juniors stank up more RGB episodes than Dweeb, but Dweeb's episodes included the hated clip show, “Deja Boo”. The Filmation guys were on a seperate channel and I could ignore them very easily. And I'm in the minority who actually liked the EGBs…

Diddo that, Fritz! You spoke my mind. I don't know too much about Filmation. The Junior Ghostbusters, as much as I loathe and despise them, and want to see JMS write that episode, are somewhat slightly more believalble than Dweeb.

Dr. Riddle

He is one of the WORST kid-friendly changes to ever happen to RGB. He is completely unbelievable and too far-fetched! How could you believe that someone with the surname “Dweeb” that looks like he's from the Farside Comic Strips is real? How? He shouldn't even be mentioned in the Ghostbusters Omnibus Timeline! It should just say that he and the rest of Slimer's own Cartoon were just figments of Slimer's imagination, and that none of that really existed or happened. He was completely re-used and recycled everytime we saw him. Just like the storyline of “The Ghostbusters are in trouble and Janine and Louis save them”.

Please tell me I'm not the only one that couldn't stand him.

I'm glad to see someone agrees with me on him.

by WrappedinBarbs

21 years, 6 months ago

All of them BUT the Extreme Ghostubsters, I liked them.

by TheRazorsEdge

21 years, 6 months ago

I never actually watched the Filmation Ghostbusters, and I liked EGB for the most part, which leaves the Junior GBs and Prof. Dweeb…a tough decision indeed. I think I'm gonna have to go with Dweeb, seeing as how my memories of the episodes he was in are clearer than my practically blocked out memories of the stupid little kids…

by egonspengler4

21 years, 6 months ago

I actually wouldn't count the Filmation GB's in anything related to the “Who ‘Ya Gonna Call” GB’s, because they aren't even in the same Continuity! They are only related by name and incident. As far as I'm concerned, the Filmation GB's shouldn't be discused on these boards. If you see the “Who ‘Ya Gonna Call” GB logo here, you shouldn’t talk about Filmation's unrelated characters. It's practically off-topic, when you think about it. They should have a forum here called: “The other GB's….”

I voted for the Junior GB's. Horrible. Even Professor Dweeb had a reason to be there. He wanted Slimer. The JGB's were just there to be annoying. Period.

The EGB's are great. Not RGB great, but great. Funny, good stories, and nice animation.

by EgonsBabe

21 years, 6 months ago

And I thought the list was going to be comprised of each RGB character. But most of you know who I loath with a passion anyways, so I won't need to say it this time. The look on Egon's face on the avatar that Zack gave me(thank you Zack), says it all!

by missjanine1

21 years, 6 months ago

And I thought the list was going to be comprised of each RGB character. But most of you know who I loath with a passion anyways, so I won't need to say it this time.

Yes, yes, we know. *cringes*

I really wanted to say Dweeb, since he “sucks like a Doberman”, but I had to go with the Jr. GBs. The only thing in their favor was their appearance in the second Bogeyman episode, and I'm not even sure about that. *waiting for the truck to come by*

by petervenkmanfan1

21 years, 6 months ago

Tough call for me as well, but considering for some strange reason I owned only one Vol of Filmations Ghost Busters and thus never really watched that (even though I never watch it and at this point it being unwatchable) as well as the fact that I've only watched the Back In The Saddle eps I couldn't really say I hated those two series because I hardly watched them. However, out of the Jr. GB's and Dweeb I had to go with Dweeb because he was just slightly more irritating then the Jr. GB's. The writers really should have made Kenny a Jr. GB later on since he was telling all his friends how he was a Junior Ghostbusters in Masquerade.

by spengs1

21 years, 6 months ago

I'm probably one of the few who will admit to liking the junior ghostbusters.

Dweeb on the other hand, what a waste.