Who thinks that Ghostbusters Hellbent is a good idea?

by Slimer03

21 years, 10 months ago

I think that hellbent is a bad idea. Who wants to see the ghostbusters in the realm of the underworld. This would take every ounce of reality out of ghostbusters. Dan Ackroyd is a decent writer but he just comes up with ideas. I just want to see another movie based in New York City. I know that ghostbusters doesnt have much reality to it anyway but it is in a real enough setting that makes people believe in it a little. Tell me what you think about this. :d

by d_osborn

21 years, 10 months ago

and i assume that a 112 1/2 foot marshmallow man doesn't movie out of reality?

by DocRyedale

21 years, 10 months ago


What you've just said, reminds me of some of the bad episodes of RGB. You know like Ghost-Busted, and the final season episodes. It would still be in NY, but just part of would be in Hell. It needs to be revised by Harold Ramis and Ivan Reitman. Weird.

by DarkLotus

21 years, 10 months ago

I think Hellbent is a good concept, just not for the ghostbusters. I think that much of the reason things like stay puft worked because reitman and ramis made you look at the Ghostbusters as down to earth scientists with down to earth possibilties, in which 100 ft Marshmallown men were not. Even though IT COULD happen because of the tracks left by the last season type episodes, I don't think the Hellbent script contains the same family/adult qualities the other movies had.

Just my thoughts!

by MuthaPussBucket

21 years, 10 months ago

Ghostbusters in hell? I dunno. It's a little too bad for them. Assumingly they would take down Satan? Come on.
I did like the ideas of them taking on Hades..or something along those lines. But that's always been argued that he is Satan..so you'd get into those type of arguements. Anyhow…just my two cents.

by Tobin2027

21 years, 10 months ago

And I suppose a 112 foot Marshmellow man and a panting coming to life is realistic? I think the Hellbent concept was a great idea. Its actually pretty darn awesome.

by evil_toaster

21 years, 10 months ago

I know where you're coming from, Doc. I watched “Ragnarok and Roll” the other day, and I realised just how senseless it is.

Slimer03, I agree with you. But “the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man” and “Mood Slime”, as totally irrational as they are as ideas, worked in the story. They were worked in pretty logically, but I'd seriously doubt it if Hell and Satan himself are worked into the story as strongly. You know, the idea of a four hundred year old guy coming to life in a painting is pretty fun, but, as Mike said, hollywood should “take no position on the religious implications of these ‘phenomena’”.

by jewy

21 years, 10 months ago

i think its wasa great idea have the world come to a end and they have to stop it. and haveing the under world involved if u think about there talk of jugment day is comming in the next 100 years so the move should have 9 11 and the war and have jugment day come ealry and it happing now and the only ones who can save the world is the gbs

by Slimer03

21 years, 10 months ago

I know the marshmallow and slime were not realistic but i also think that this would cut back on all of the children going to see it. I mean kids below 10. I also think that a lot of strict parents wouldnt understand this. I am not sure but if Ramis were in on it he could change it around. I now think that hellbent is a good idea but it stop some children from being introduced to ghostbusters. This would probably also cut down on toy sales.

by daneghostbuster

21 years, 10 months ago

Hellbent seems ok in my mind, but I feel like something better could be made. Possibly the GB's having to travel outside of New York or Travel through another dimension but not necessarily Hell.