Who thinks that Ghostbusters Hellbent is a good idea?

by cowboyspike

21 years, 9 months ago

How do i know? Easily. It's like Halloween films. The major fans would appreciate the movies, but critics would have a field day making fun of the movies. Same goes for the Batman fims, Freddy Kruger, etc etc…….

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

only one thing, GB is not halloween, batman, etc. there is NO way to judge how GB3 would be, especially seeing how it hasn't even been produced. unless, you're looking into some magic crystal ball.

by evil_toaster

21 years, 9 months ago

Settle down now, boys…

You know, spike, maybe if GB3 were made well, it wouldn't be trashed by the critics.

by Vic

21 years, 9 months ago

Is it ever gonna happen? A Gb3? I just purchased the DVD of GB1 and seeing it again after such a long time in widescreen struck me that this movie is timeless! Even they criticast their own effects ( under directors comments ) i must say the movie just has not aged at all. I hope they will keep the same perspective cartoony feeling to the GB3 project. I also hope ALL of the original cast will participate, it would be strange to see new lads, i want the `middle aged men` in action again!


by RobertKnippels

21 years, 9 months ago

I don't think ghostbusters hellbent is a bad idea. off course I didn't read the script but I think it could be great if they bring in some new interesting and believable characters.New characters could bring some new interesting storylines. Also the storyline is important. There must be a big endbattle. The endbattle from ghostbusters 2 was dissapointing. I also think that they should bring back the old ones.



by drugasbuster

21 years, 9 months ago

look, i ve always been a defender of a gb3 movie, but ive been watching he ultimate prequels of old movies and ive tought more than once that gb maybe better left alone….but i dunno, really…could they make another great movie to complete the trilogy????? thats the question

by Mike_D

21 years, 9 months ago

GB3:Hellbent is just wrong. It seems like a rejected concept that was a choice between that and extreme ghostbusters. I mean, thats all that is, a re-thought of extreme gb. I mean, come on! “Nat”?! A kid with an over-sized melon?! And can you imaging the new gbs running around town with leather jackets and 5 inch long painted finger nails?! For those of you who dont know what im talking about, a guy from brooklyn who wears a leather jacket was one of the new gbs alongside was a latino female with that eerie “accent” that J-Lo has. But, Like I have said in the past, the draft would probably go through two or three more revisions until it ended up like the last two films…but it would probably be more kid friendly and have more camera shots of the american flag oh, that song “click click boom” would probably be in the trailers, lol.

by d_osborn

21 years, 9 months ago

i really doubt it would have ended up like that. i wouldn't really like a new group, though.

by Vic

21 years, 9 months ago

it could be worth another look i mean. The concept of the GB story can bind a new generation of kids, and also bring the 30+ folks like myself to the theatre for a nostalgic reason. I mean really, The Phantom Menace `new` starwars epic has been really horrible, but it brought a new generation of kids to know the starwars story, the same has been done to numerous cartoon and movie sequals/prequels and i don`t know what. MIB 2 for example, all i`m saying is: If they still are able to capture all the elements and the personal warmth feeling to this project the story becomes secundary, really, the story of the previous GB films have been really `them against evil` with some love-story elements thrown in. In part 1 the bad guys was Gozar, and in the 2nd film it was Vigo, but the humour and warmth kept both films alive and addictive. Dan Aykroyd has proven he can write decent follow-ups ( I`m one of those people who found Blues Brothers 2000 just as good as its predecessor ) so i have all hope. And i know Dan and the others will not lose sight of their concept!

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 8 months ago

I whole-heartedly agree…i read the GB:Hellbent script concept a while back…and i was very unimpressed with the characters that Akroyd wanted to introduce…Writers have to get off this kick that we want EVERY person, of ethnic backgrounds represented…or people with any kind of physical drawbacks, whether it be a melon-headed kid, or a cripple (Non-PC word, i apologize). However…i do also agree with the point that Akroyd was possibly trying to put across in his GB3 draft…that he doesn't want to recycle Venkemen,Spengler and Stanz…He doesn't want to put that type of label on the “new busters” which is understandable…but i can't just imagine these GB's any other way, i refuse to accept a ghostbuster in a wheel chair, or with some obvious physical problem, if it's his head oversized, or whichever…just give me 3 normal guys…Sorry ladies…i just can't see a ghostbuster that's a woman…right from the get go…i'd like it to be 3 guys off the bat…Again…you'd have to add another GB…like they did with Winston, you need that surrogate to the viewer, you need a character there who wasn't there “from the beginning”…who needs to be explained things for his character…and in the same note, the audience can have questions answered for them through that character (i.e. Ray explaining to Winston how the Containment Unit works in GB1). Now, you can do whatever you like with that 4th GB you add to the “new group”, male, female, it doesn't matter…maybe a female…that might change things up abit…but don't saddle her with some stupid stereotypical latino accent.

Unfortunately…i think the ONLY problem that would really get in the way of the GB3 script…which also is unfortunate would be a HUGE problem are the characters, and the audience becoming familiar with them…and more importantly, caring for them, and liking them. Most Ghostbuster fans have fallen in love with the original 4…and will be very picky about the new group. It'd be a tough spot, Akroyd and Ramis would have to decide on a direction…but the one that Akroyd chose to take with that original GB3 draft was a paticularly poor one….with the melon-headed kid and female with a latino accent…it just screams PC…i know we want to draw as broad and diverse crowd to the movie as possible, but stop throwing in characters that don't fit, don't force-feed us politically correct characters…that was my main gripe with the original GB3 draft.

The Hellbent concept was superb…the main flaw is…they should have got this ball rolling awhile ago, while Murray,Akroyd and Ramis were younger…and in Harolds case…abit slimmer.