Who will see "Halloween"? (Rob Zombie)

by pf4eva1

17 years, 6 months ago

Since this topic has nothing to do with the trailers or innumerable TV spots, it's fair game for its own thread.

Who's gonna see the new “Halloween”? I'm been pumped up from the day it was first announced. In fact, I found out Rob Zombie was directing before I found out it was a remake/ re-imagining/ Frank/ Bob/ whatever.

From what I've seen from screenshots, TV spots, the trailers, the clips, this is going to be THE movie of the year. I don't really care what Ebert or whoever says, but I hope they rave about it endlessly. I'll still see it whether they rave it or pan it. (I did see “Snakes on a Plane” at the dollar theater after months of waiting. :-) )

Also, feel free to predict the box office and the reviews it might get from Ebert, Shalit, Roeper, Larry King, Batman, Santa Claus, whoever.

I say the reviews will be positive, unanimous or near-unanimous. Anyone who pans this film was a hater to begin with.

I'd say the box office will be like this:

1. HALLOWEEN $40 Million
4. DEATH SENTENCE $10 Million
6. BALLS OF FURY $4.5 Million
9. WAR

Predict away!

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

Anyone who pans this film was a hater to begin with

Woo, I can just feel the heat of hatred right there.

I'll freely admit… I haven't looked forward to this… I think the franchise is tired and that this is just a name-dropping attempt to keep the decaying Halloween corpse alive…

by fome

17 years, 6 months ago

I have always found the Halloween franchise boring but will give this one a try because it might be as good as Texas Chainsaw the Beginning was…

by newrecruit1

17 years, 6 months ago

I didn't understand how they could release two “chainsaw” movie one after the other. “Halloween” is interesting because of RobZombie but, if it wasn't of him, I wouldn't understand why the industry keeps investing in that type of movie concept. This year, we had soo many violence on the big screen, it was horrible just looking at a theater. I realy believe that the concept of a maniac, real or surnatural, who kills everyone that he sees, is not only out of taste but out of date.

My personal taste? I hate those movies. And specialy those based on true stories. How can you sale a “popcorn” movie based on a person's drama? It's disgusting, sick, and stupid. And we offer that to the kids, who scream for their right to watch… to only show their friends that they're strong enough to take it, and to fall in meaningless, psychological, point of view.
People's pain becomes a toy.

And what about the movie made in the name of september 11. It began with documentaries on tv. Intellectual at first but to turn slowly into a hollywood production! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the poster at my theater. Money in the name of the dead. Those who were screwed by people's ideal and people belief. I'm afraid of American, the world, I can't help it.

We're proud. Are we mad or still too childish. Well, I'm still happy to be born during this times. I was a Freddy, Werewolf, Frankenstein, Dracula fan in the past… maybe if I was born in the futur, I would have been considered an outlaw? (*winston)

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

No thanks. Takes a lot to drag me to the movies, and not even Transformers or 300 succeeded. I prefer to make it a Blockbuster Night - though preferably with interesting movies.

I dunno, there's something about Halloween. It just seems like every other slasher flick; the only difference being the publicity and hype behind it. Not even the budget does much for me. Sorry.

Rob Zombie makes awesome music, but really I'm not a fan of his films. And I for one love gore and violence.

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

not even Transformers succeeded.

Transformers was number 1 when it opend….not sure how long it stayed at No.1…but by any means,YES it DID succeed….and IMO it was awesome!

Well so far all the replies here are negative.

Lets change that….I HAVE been looking forward too “Halloween”….and being a fan of Rob Zombie(his movies and music) I think it'll be great….looks darker and scarier this time too.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

not even Transformers succeeded.

Transformers was number 1 when it opend….not sure how long it stayed at No.1…but by any means,YES it DID succeed….and IMO it was awesome!

No no, dear sir. You misunderstood. Transformers looks awesome, and I know it did very well. What I meant was that it failed to prove awesome enough to drag me to the theatre.

It came during a surge of 80s IP remakes, and as much as I adore the old G1 Transformers, I couldn't justify paying money to see Bumblebee bastardized. I don't care how much hype the new Camaro (which I think is awesome, anyway) needs, Bumblebee is a goddamned VW!

I still want to see it, and I still think it looks cool. I just didn't feel like going out to see it, for whatever reason ranging from personal taste to laziness. I'll still totally rent it.

by wildcat

17 years, 6 months ago

not even Transformers succeeded.

Transformers was number 1 when it opend….not sure how long it stayed at No.1…but by any means,YES it DID succeed….and IMO it was awesome!

No no, dear sir. You misunderstood. Transformers looks awesome, and I know it did very well. What I meant was that it failed to prove awesome enough to drag me to the theatre.

It came during a surge of 80s IP remakes, and as much as I adore the old G1 Transformers, I couldn't justify paying money to see Bumblebee bastardized. I don't care how much hype the new Camaro (which I think is awesome, anyway) needs, Bumblebee is a goddamned VW!

I still want to see it, and I still think it looks cool. I just didn't feel like going out to see it, for whatever reason ranging from personal taste to laziness. I'll still totally rent it.

(*_*) OHH I understand…sorry 'bout that…well I didnt grow up with the original G1 series,I actually started on “Beast Wars” (which I also love)…and Iv never really liked Bumblebee as a VW…too small and underwhelming for such a heroic character imo.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 6 months ago

Haha, that's what I loved about him. Understated and humble was the Bumble. :p

And I will say that Beast Wars was pretty cool, ven though I didn't dig on it at first.

Anyway, enough off-topic out of me.

by Shauna

17 years, 6 months ago

I'll go and see it!!! :-)