Who will see "Halloween"? (Rob Zombie)

by Kingpin

17 years, 6 months ago

Anyway, enough off-topic out of me.
But not from me. :p

It came during a surge of 80s IP remakes, and as much as I adore the old G1 Transformers, I couldn't justify paying money to see Bumblebee bastardized. I don't care how much hype the new Camaro (which I think is awesome, anyway) needs, Bumblebee is a goddamned VW!

I actually warmed up to the 70s Camero Bumblebee… that old car had style.

I think you'll warm up as well… but you're right that nothing can ever replace Bumblebee as a VW Beetle.

by venky1

17 years, 6 months ago

i saw halloween this past weekend… and it was… not quite up to par with the original. i wont discuss anything until the majority of people have seen it, but my summation of it was that if it wasn't trying to be a halloween movie, it'd be great

by pantshater24

17 years, 6 months ago

i saw halloween this past weekend… and it was… not quite up to par with the original. i wont discuss anything until the majority of people have seen it, but my summation of it was that if it wasn't trying to be a halloween movie, it'd be great

i agree. i'd say it was so-so. there wasn't really enough plot (i know it's a slasher flick but come on you need some story) and the next movie rob zombie makes he cannot involve his wife.

by fome

17 years, 6 months ago

Rob Zombie made me a Halloween fan no wonder the guy is vegetarian…

by the_blessed_freak51

17 years, 6 months ago

Rob Zombie should of left it alone.
*adding to my statment of fact… http://www.i-mockery.com/blabber/

by Zedd

17 years, 6 months ago

So I finally got to see it last night and I LOVE Rob Zombie! I heart him so much! I love his style…you could totally tell it was an RZ flick…not just cause of the cameos and the actors familiar with him but his filming style is just so…I don't know. I love it!

I was a little disappointed when….Spoiler I guess

When it started to follow the original for a bit - I was worried it would end up being another psycho fiasco but then it picked back up again! I loved the ending to this. I think maybe not EVERYONE had to have long hair in order to make it 70's like. I loved how Blue Oyster Cult was throughout the movie just like the original.

This is a remake I like. I mean I ADORE the original but I like this remake.

by Ect0

17 years, 5 months ago

My cousin who is an avid Halloween fan made me go see this. I enjoyed the original, but this one was pretty bland. It takes away from the mystique that is Michael Myers.

by gbandrew1

17 years, 5 months ago

I didn't care much for it, and once Mickey Dolenz showed up…I left.

by pf4eva1

17 years, 4 months ago

I'm kinda bored right now, so I thought I'd post my review.

I saw it back in September, and it is simply the best Halloween since the original. Period. Hopefully Daeg Faerch (young Michael Myers) and Malcolm McDowell (Dr. Loomis) will at least get nominated for Best Lead and Supporting Actors at the Oscars. They both deserve to win because their chemistry was amazing.

The acting was rock solid. It was so cool/creepy when young Michael cussed out the principal (Richard Lynch). Scout Taylor-Compton is very talented. Sherri Moon delivered a brilliant performance. William Forsythe played the stepfather we all love to hate. The cameos range from Sid Haig to Mickey Dolenz. Dee Wallace-Stone did as great job as Cynthia Strode and Brad “Chucky” Dourif did justice to Sheriff Brackett. Daeg Faerch and Tyler Mane are both amazing as the two Michaels.

This film is essentially flawless. The kills are amazing/cool/terrifying. The acting is top-notch. The writing, directing, editing, visuals, Halloween feel, etc. are all top-notch.

On a scale from 1 to 10, this baby gets a 15.

by pantshater24

17 years, 4 months ago

I'm kinda bored right now, so I thought I'd post my review.

I saw it back in September, and it is simply the best Halloween since the original. Period. Hopefully Daeg Faerch (young Michael Myers) and Malcolm McDowell (Dr. Loomis) will at least get nominated for Best Lead and Supporting Actors at the Oscars. They both deserve to win because their chemistry was amazing.

The acting was rock solid. It was so cool/creepy when young Michael cussed out the principal (Richard Lynch). Scout Taylor-Compton is very talented. Sherri Moon delivered a brilliant performance. William Forsythe played the stepfather we all love to hate. The cameos range from Sid Haig to Mickey Dolenz. Dee Wallace-Stone did as great job as Cynthia Strode and Brad “Chucky” Dourif did justice to Sheriff Brackett. Daeg Faerch and Tyler Mane are both amazing as the two Michaels.

This film is essentially flawless. The kills are amazing/cool/terrifying. The acting is top-notch. The writing, directing, editing, visuals, Halloween feel, etc. are all top-notch.

….are you on drugs?
On a scale from 1 to 10, this baby gets a 15.
:-O that movie has nothing on the original. this movie deserves no awards except for “most times you can have you wife in your movies”