Who would play who in an EGB movie?

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

on Imdb i posted this question but no one said any thing. 4th times a charm for asking: Who would play who in a live action Extreme Ghostbusters movie?





Don't be shy, now…

by mdp872105

17 years ago

That girl from juno would probably make a good kylie

by eatingfood1

17 years ago

Ellan Page? I could see that work. keep the comments coming, plz.

by destinationzack1

17 years ago

Kylie: Megan Fox

Eduardo: Jacob Vargas or Michael Pena

Roland: Sean Nelson (Really can't think of another actor)

Garret: Elijah Wood

That's just me talkin. They can probably cast Ramis as Egon or go a different way and cast someone else…can't think of anyone for that role. Ideas?

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago





by Kingpin

17 years ago

Please tell me your choices for Eduardo and Roland got swapped around.

by jka12002

17 years ago

Why dont we just stick with the proposed GB3 story, EGB sucked anyways.

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

Please tell me your choices for Eduardo and Roland got swapped around.
Sorry, fixed… and changed the Milo Ventimiglia pic… he looks a lot like Eduardo on that.
(got the pic from imdb.com)

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Why dont we just stick with the proposed GB3 story, EGB sucked anyways.

Because unfortunately as flawed as the XGB cast may have been, the original Hellbent characters were a good deal worse. And there's nothing wrong with hypotheticals when we know they won't ever happen.

Milo Ventimiglia is definately a good enough choice if an appropriate Hispanic character can't be found, but has he done anything comedic? I only know his work from the music video of Fergie's he appeared in and Heroes.

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

… but has he done anything comedic? I only know his work from the music video of Fergie's he appeared in and Heroes.
Good point… (*egon)