Who would you cast as replacements for the original team?

by Zoolvenkman

19 years, 8 months ago

I know alot of people are against the whole idea of the cast being replaced, hell i am too, but if they did who would they pick or who do you think would be worthy enough to play the boys in grey and the supporting cast?
I reckon if they made it like a remake/sequel kinda thing they'd probably go for these guys:

Peter Venkman - Vince Vaughn or Adam Sandler

Ray Stanz - Jack Black

Winston Zeddemore - Chris Rock

Egon Spengler - Owen Wilson

Lewis Tully - Rob Shneider

Dana Barret - Debra Messing (Will & Grace) or Drew Barrymore?

Janine Melnitz - Paris Hilton (lol joke) maybe an unknown?

And also, what do you think OF Ghostbusters 3 being set inbetween the first two movies, giving the film an eighties vibe, with 80's music, etc. (*peter)

by Kingpin

19 years, 8 months ago

Why did you make those choices for your cast?

I'm not sure if a third movie with a new cast would work being set between the two existing ones, plus the five years between GB and GBII the guys are out of business.

by Zoolvenkman

19 years, 8 months ago

I see what you mean Kinpin about setting the third film inbetween, but arnt the new comics set inbetween the the two films?

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

There would be no point replacing the old characters and I wouldn't want to see it happen either. There are few actors that I know of which I think have the right type of comedic talent for a Ghostbustrs picture. Jack Black is one, maybe Dave Chappelle, and theres this other guy I;ve seen, not that well known, David Krumholtz I think his name is.

Actors such as Ben Stiller, Chris Rock or Adam Sandler just wouldn't work in my opinion.

by slimer3881

19 years, 8 months ago

hate to say it but there was GB 3 it either be a new generation or a how they met kinda story, what they were like before they were GB's.

by Zoolvenkman

19 years, 8 months ago

Ok, if you were given the chance to cast a new ghostbusters film who would you cast? whether be remake or sequel? Like I said already the plot being set in between the two originals, giving it the 80's vibe it deserves, beacuse i dont think ghostbusters would suit any other era.
the film could be set a year or two after Gozer's attack, it would be good to have the original score from the first one, and maybe be a good piece of gum to the after taste of GB2?
If you think about it, GB2 was a perfect reflection of the GB cartoon in the 80's it was almost a spoof of the original, even Janine looked like a cartoon, the plot was like a rushed draft of the original and was aimed more at kids than the original, especially the dialogue, the characters' personalities, etc. which in a way destroyed the chance of there ever being a third film, just like MIB II.
So, back to the point, if the only way to save the franchise was to remake it (ala BATMAN BEGINS) or set it in between the originals, who (in our days) has the balls, the talent or the look to pull off Venkman, Stanz, Spengler & Zeddemore?

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

If I had to it would be David krumholtz as Venkman, Jack Black as Ray and Dave Chappelle as Winston. I don't know about Egon.

by Peter_Randall

19 years, 8 months ago


by gbmasterman

19 years, 8 months ago

How about this?

Peter Venkman - Bill Murray

Ray Stanze - Dan Aycroyd

Winston Zeddemore - Ernie Hudson

Egon Spengler - Harold Ramis

Lewis Tulley - Rick Morranis

Dana Barret - Sigourney Weaver

Janine Melnitz - Annie Potts

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 8 months ago

How about this?

Peter Venkman - Bill Murray

Ray Stanze - Dan Aycroyd

Winston Zeddemore - Ernie Hudson

Egon Spengler - Harold Ramis

Lewis Tulley - Rick Morranis

Dana Barret - Sigourney Weaver

Janine Melnitz - Annie Potts

LOL…..I totally agree!!!