Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by dankclover

22 years, 10 months ago

My cast for the Ghostbusters-in-training in GBIII would be:
Jason Lee
Bruce Campbell
Jack Black
Chris Rock

by MarySpengler

22 years, 10 months ago

Elijah Wood smile
As one of the gyus!!

by Mathematron

22 years, 10 months ago

Not to put you down, but I don't think that Chris Rock would make a good Ghostbuster. He is not serious enough to fully appreciate what it takes to be a ghostbuster. Bill Murray was able to pull of his funny role because of his scientific attitude. Jusy my $.02

by NetSolo

22 years, 10 months ago


Jason Lee! Excellent choice, I'm going to add him to the all-time Netmeister candidates of:

Samuel L Jackson
Bruce Campbell
Jack Black
Jason Lee

by dankclover

22 years, 10 months ago


I definitely think that Samuel L. would be a better GB than Chris Rock, but if as reported GB3 will be about new Ghostbusters, I think Samuel L. would be a little old, but for that, so would Bruce Campbell, but I love the guy.

by PF4Eva

22 years, 10 months ago

1) I'd keep Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, and Rick Moranis (since Bill has called it a day with GB)
2) Me
3) Britney Spears
4) Jack Black
5) David Gilmour


22 years, 10 months ago

Britney Spears? Yeah, she's hot, and it would bring tons of money in, but no, not Brit, not tough enough. How about Lita from WWF as a girl GB? And The Rock as one of the evil ghost dudes. Ok, now seriously…

1. Keep Akroyd and Ramis (Earnie and Bill don't really need roles, at least not big ones)
2. Slimmer (living with the GB's)
3. Denzel Washington (not too old yet)
4. Bill Clinton (as the first ghost to get zapped.. hehe)
5. Me (the youngest GB, 18)
6. Jen Spengler (she's cute)

by kyliestantz

22 years, 10 months ago

Of course,
Dan Aykroyd( my favourite actor),
Harold Ramis
Jim Carrey smile (Peter Venkman, as Bill Murray don't want to play his character again)I(
Eddie Murphywink

I've heard Dan wanted to introduce young ghostbusters(may be the EGB)
for the EGB
Kylie: ?
Roland: J.August Richards (Gunn in the tv show Angel)
Gareth: one of the actors in american pie
Eduardo: Jamie Kennedy or Skeet Ulrich

Have you got news about GB3?

by MasterSpider

22 years, 10 months ago

I say this and I will probably just add it to my signature…
1. Chris Rock
2. Jimmy Falon
3. Jack Black

by FaNBoY3000

22 years, 10 months ago

O.k, i'm a lil late with my list,but heres what I think.We should try and keep all or as many of the original's as possible,but here's who else I think should be in the movie :

1]John Goodman-He and Danny did a great job on Blues Brothers 2000,at least I think so,and John seems to respect everything Danny has done.

2]Tina Fey-She would be great as Janine's daughter or just a reporter on the street,she's got the good SNL charm.

3]Bruce Campbell-I'm throwing him in cause he's just to cool not too.

4]Molly Price-Many of you may not know her,but she plays officer Faith Yokas on the NBC drama “Third Watch”.I think she's basicly Dan's female counterpart.

5]Samuel L. Jackson-He'd be the baddest motherf*ckin Ghostbuster around.

6]Chyler Leigh-Again,for those of you who don't know her,she plays Tuesday on “That 80's show”.She's got the punk/goth thing down pat,she'd be a good Kylie type character.