Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by SurfinBuster103

22 years, 6 months ago

Agent D I agree with you. A lot of actors you ppl are picking would just suck as GB's or have already done a film too similiar. You need good actors and a hip cast who can work and have chemistry with all the old GB's.

by Zack

22 years, 6 months ago

These would all suck as mentioned above except Jack Black smile

James Earl Jones
Regis Philbin
Joey Fatone
Liv Tyler
Neidermeyer from “Animal House”
Steve Guttenburg
Ricky Martin
William Shatner
Bob Geldof
Jack Black
Ozzy Osbourrne
John Travolta
Arnold Schwarzenegger

by EctoBusterWes

22 years, 6 months ago

i think the old cast should be in the movie some but teach Adam Sandler, Mike Myers, Cris Rock, and Dana Carvey

by kyleogb1983

22 years, 6 months ago

I was right I am the only one who likes Rush Limbaugh.


22 years, 6 months ago

well i would do one of the following. get good actors like

brad pitt

matt damon

ben affleck

me.(and on a side note i actually wrote to dan akyroyd and begged him to let me be in the third gb3 movie i even offered him my car and i would work for free.)

or go with the extreme ghostbusters.

by Wesyeed

22 years, 6 months ago


If he's not available then Eddie Murphy or Areas(sp?) Spears(from Mad TV) could do it.

Britney Spears is hot so she could be in it. (Shaking her hot ass.)

Phil Lamar from Mad TV and Samurai Jack

The former 7up guy(that guy from evolution)

Matthew Brodrick(sp?)

Ben Stiller would be cool.

Also that other guy from Something about Mary. The one who played the pizza guy with an english accent. “Norm” He would be good.

Anyone from the cast of friends. They are really funny and have excellent comedic chemistry.

Annie Potts. Noone on this planet could replace her.

Rick Moranis will come back too and do a less geeky louis. Just show him grow as a character a little.

My personal choice: Ewan Mcgregor. He is a great actor. He has so much range. Not to chose him would be a crime.

Lastly we need some new blood. Not some experienced comic actor. Maybe just a break out comedian.

by JadedJewel

22 years, 6 months ago

I don't really know who to pick so here is a mini idea list.

Get some of the originals in there. (Ex. Danny, Harold, Ernie, Rick and Annie)

Then add some newbies:

Jack Black (What has he done and why is he so asked for on this thing?)
Christina Ricci(Sp?)
Jet Li
A camio by Jay and Silent Bob. (And possibly Denis Leary smile)
If Ozzy Osborne is in it, he has to be one of the ghosts making trouble.
Matt Damo and Ben Afleck
Possibly some new actors that know comedy.

What do you guys think?

“No company with a government contract ever knows what it's doing.”
- Peter (Ain't NASA-sarily So )

Sara Destiny Reicheart Venkman
The Cousin of Peter Venkman and Websurfing Queen!!
(and still wondering how to post a banner on this thing!!!!)

by GBFreak

22 years, 6 months ago

George Lucas and his Star Wars characters ex. Jar-Jar Binks smile

by Cycle56

22 years, 6 months ago

cast members
jack black
john leguizamo
sarah michelle geller
eddie murphy

by SurfinBuster103

22 years, 5 months ago

GB's in Training:
Ethan Embry
Michelle Rodriguez
J. August Richards
Jake Busey