Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by Benjp

22 years, 5 months ago

1.Bill Murray
2.Dan Akroyd
3.Harold Ramis
4.Ernie Hudson
5.Weird Al Yankovic
6.David Arquette

Were the best,were the beautiful,were the only…..GHOSTBUSTERS!

by ectoAvi

22 years, 5 months ago

Ghostbusters 3 needs to keep the whole original cast and Ivan Rietman as the director.

by slimer3161

22 years, 5 months ago

Aronld as a ghostbuster…think about it!

by WayneW.

22 years, 5 months ago

I don't think Weird Al would be good either, in my opinion, the original cast, and some new upstarts

by GBFreak

22 years, 5 months ago

Robin Williams would make a good Gb member. So would Michael Keaton. Let's not forget Toby Maguire either. And throw in Dian Bacher.

by Ludicris

22 years, 4 months ago

Hey guys what about these guys.

1)Conan O'brien
hes the king of late night and that would bring all his late night fans to the movie. PLUS HES EXTREMELY FUNNY.
2)Jimmy Fallon
he would attract all the girls and kids from mtv and saturday night live.PLUS HE'S FUNNY TOO.
3)Tina Fey would be a good girl into the group because she's not overly girly and shes really funny also.
4)Will Smith to bring in all his fans and some of the different races too.
5)Matt Damon because he would bring all of his fans and alot of young girls and he has some characteristics of Dan Aykroyd so he could be like what ray is but younger.

Now in my opinion everyone would see that movie. Plus the originals in it too. That would be unbeatable at the box office and make the movie really funny.

by JFP

22 years, 4 months ago

The Original cast.

by spencer

22 years, 4 months ago

I personally Bill could play it right now in his career despite the gray hair. We all had a big discussion at school and when this very question came up …kids were like… “you have to have Bill Murray, no matter what”.

Anyways, my choices:

Will Ferrell
Steve Zahn
Ben Stiller
Orlando Jones

Honorable Mentions
*Conan O Brien would be great but I think he has the make of a movie star.
*Jack Black would be alright… but he doesn't have geniune comedy.. he relies on being crazy.

There ya go.

by Ludicris

22 years, 4 months ago

1)Conan O'brien
he is extremely funny and has alot of fans and would bring them all to the movie.
2)Jimmy Fallon
he is also really funny and would bring alot of teenage girls and snl fans and fans of mtv to the movie.
3)Stephen Colbert
because he can act serious and make it funny. Again he would bring all the Daily Show fans. He could be like an egon character.
4)Will Smith
he is still fairly young and is also funny and serious at the same time.

by feickus

22 years, 3 months ago

Will Ferrel and Tracy Morgon