Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by Nethervoid

22 years, 3 months ago

I'd like to see
Bill Murray -> Steven Colbert
Harold Ramis -> Neil Patrick Harris
Ernie Hudson -> Orlando Jones
Dan Aykroyd -> Jason Lee

That's how I would fill the personalities. I think that Steven Colbert has a Bill Murray type of personality, quite sarcastic, but he has a lot of whit. Neil Patrick Harris a.k.a. Dougie Houser, he always plays the mart guy (Star Ship Troopers) and can be really funny (Undercover Brother). Orlando Jones in my opinion, is a better fit than Chris Rock, has Chris has a tendency to make his good movies rated “R,” plus I like Orlando more. Jason Lee fits the role of Dan Aykroyd like a glove, kinda childish and a little spiritual. He's good for some comic relief and is easy to realte to.

by venky

22 years, 3 months ago

i was almost thinking of dana carvey. i think of him as a very funny man who can be serious too. i just dont know if he'll steal the movie though. Jack Black is a definite for me. Wayne Brady is also humorous, just check him out on his show or whose line is it anyway? steve zahn has to be in it too, of course. jason schwartzmen caught my eye in rushmore, he could be an egon type. thats all, there aint no more

by Mr.No_Ghost

22 years, 3 months ago

I love the original cast members and they have a definate place in my heart. But, I think it would be cool to add some new talent to the continuation of the ghostbusters saga. As of right now (and this is subject to change), I would like to see the following be the next generation of Ghostbusters:

1) Ice Cube (the strong, no-nonsense leader type)
2) That guy who was “Van Wilder” (sorry, I don't remember his name, but he would be great for a Spengler character…he could definately be the serious type)
3) Thora Birch (she looked a little nerdy in “Ghost World”, but for anyone who saw that movie will attest to how sexy and strong-willed her character was)
4) Seth Green (well, I pick him for no other reason than the fact that he seems like he can handle the supernatural and has dead-pan Venkmaness qualities. Besides, he was a zombie in “Idle Hands”. Who better to know how to deal with ghosts then a former dead guy wink )

by PenguinKing

22 years, 3 months ago

guys guys guys! a lot of you are naming slap stick comedians (ie adam sandler, dana carevy, almost anyone from madtv with the exception of orlando jones, etc.) that's not ghostbusters. we'd need a cast of comedians with comdey styles like the original cast. if we had chris rock, adam sandler, brittney spears, robin williams and those types it would kill it? i can just see it now. adam sandler has the proton pack on up side down and winds up destroying the firehouse saying “i'm crazy proton pack guy! look at me!” or mike myers, dana carvy and the like for that matter. think carefully

by RayParkerJr.

22 years, 3 months ago

All the people who r talkin about Spears obviously have an extra chromosone…this is ghostbusters, not some flavor of the month movie. And if u wanna see spears naked stop paying attention to her…cause in a few years her career will tank and she'll be forced to pose in Playboy. Ghostbusters deserves to be a Trilogy, it is such a good franchise and deserves to go on. If they need to make a new one without bill murray…just have Egon, Ray, and Winston. The series began with 3 guys busting ghost, it can end with 3 guys busting ghost. If they feel the need to have a new Ghostbuster which in my opinion is fuckin stupid i would suggest Matthew Perry. His humor is different then bill murray but it would still be great seeing him sayin lines like “Could i BE more covered in slime” and such.

by Ludicris

22 years, 3 months ago

okay, ive updated my cast. heres a pot full of names that would all be good.:

stephen colbert
matt damon
jimmy fallon
conan o'brien
tina fey
tracy morgan
will smith
janeane garoffoalo (spelling?)
david spade (in sarcastic mode)

i think any of these can/would do good. oh well, theres my opinion.

by barryman_man

22 years, 3 months ago

I don't know about mathew perry, he's a great actor and such….but maybe not a ghostbuster, but i am with just egon, ray and winston……i think it could work…..and if you need any one guy, you i think you'd need someone that was an over the top hard ass….maybe like james woods's character in vampires….or just anything over the top…..personally, i'd like to see bruce cambell whoop some ass
but that's just me smile

by Mr.No_Ghost

22 years, 3 months ago

Maybe not…Matthew Perry seems like a good enough choice. Can you picture him the way Murray looked on the cover of the original Ghostbusters II VHS cassette? Same attack mode pose, but only perry being there and not Murry. I can totally fathom Perry being a better Venkman than Murray's Venkman.

And if not him, why not Tom Hanks. Now, there's something to think about wink

by venkmanfan49

22 years, 3 months ago

David Spade as the annoying guy in the movie. B/c thats what hes good at doing…being the annoying guy. Hes so hilarious. And Jimmy Fallon and Tracy Morgan are excellent choices.


by Mr.No_Ghost

22 years, 3 months ago

Hey, and why not turn Mr. T into a ghost : “(Ghostly moan) WOOOOOOOO…I pity da' fool who mess with me! Come on Creed, come on…I say come on!” Hehe smile