Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 11 months ago

OK, I know I posted my pick for new characters on page 9, but I'm not editing what I said in my thread because those choices still sound pretty cool So, here's another list of people I think would be great in GB3 if it were made…

Chris Rock__(after seeing, “Head of State”, he proved to me how versatile a comic actor he really is. Don't count him out, Chris has the skills to be a Ghostbuster.)

Ryan Renolds__(From “Van Wilder”. Yes, I mentioned him before, but he's still my top choice for either a Venkman of a Spengler personality)

Bernie Mac__(Now before I'm shot down on this, give this a chance. Yeah, yeah, yeah..Bernie Mac and Chris Rock on the same team as Ghostbusters might be a little much because there's the possibility that their brands of comedy might cancel each other out. But, I'm not worried about that in the least. Chris and Bernie have totally different styles apart from each other. While Rock could be the new “Venkman”, Mac would be a new age Winston. Just picture Mac with a pack on his pack, confronting a ghost, scoffing and saying, “Tch, you think I'm scared? ***rolling his eyes, staring the ghost down*** I ain't scared of you.”

Andy Richter__(He's someone who I can definately see exhibiting the Ray Stanz qualities.)

…Well, that's my take on a new cast. My opinion may change at anytime. But, one thing I can say is that these guys aren't the only actors capable of playing Ghostbusters. The roles can be filled by other qualified commedians or hollywood stars, but please…let's not have to go back to the idea that a pop star should be a Ghostbuster. No Britney Spears and no Mariah Carrey or Justin Timberlake. It just ain't right.

by Slimer03

21 years, 11 months ago

First off you need to keep Ackroyd,Moranis,Earnie Hudson and Ramis. Earnie Hudson does need a little bigger of a role. Here are the gbs in training.

1. Adam Sandler
2. Chris Rock
3. Conan O' Brien
4. Annie Potts

I know these are some pretty unreasonable gbs but Adam Sandler can bring in his Happy Gilmore type comedy where he can be the upset guy the whole time. Of course Moranis would already be a ghostbuster. Chris Rock can bring in his extreme comedy (without most of the cusing). Conan can bring his silly and corny comedy that is loved by all. I read about Bernie Mac and i think that would be cool to. We need Jenine.

by adam_Stevenson

21 years, 11 months ago

I think the new GB3 cast should be kept the same as GB and GB2 because we won't take to the new Ghostbusters the way we have to Bill and co.

New Ghostbusters means problems i mean how bad was extreme Ghostbusters? we can't allow the flims to be slaged and put down like we did the cartoon because of one bad show/movie can we ? :l(

also what are your views on a spoof of Ghostbusters me and a friend are working on a script right now called “Gothbusters”

get back to me for more info


by jewy

21 years, 11 months ago

mr no ghost u really out did ur self on the new team. i like it a lot. i said befor in a early post the ray renolds would be a perfect vankmen. but the only one person i think shouldnt be there is the mac man he would' ve been good in the early movies or if they did gb3 in the mid 90s but hes all most as old as the orginals. hes prob a cuople of years younger but i think connan should be in it and will farrel or jack black. andy richter would be a perfect ray stanz. i forgot about andy. well great job on the cast and tell me would you think of adding in will, jack or connan insted of mac man. :d

by venky

21 years, 11 months ago

Will should not even be a choice for us. think about him, he just isn't a ghostuster.
i see jack as more of a tully character, someone who will add a goofy comic relief as an annoying fan. connan is the only one who i see as worthy of sharing the screen with the originals, which is what everyone we consider needs to have as a quality

by jewy

21 years, 11 months ago

venky but whatdo u think of andy richter he would be a good ray

by roshangar

21 years, 11 months ago

I for one can imagine Andy Richter saying, “Thats great! Actual physical contact! Can ya move?!”

by EctoBuddy

21 years, 11 months ago

I thought really hard about this one and I think I would have to pick Jackie Chan. I am just joking, I would probaly pick the originals and Tina Fey is a good idea. They could have Cranmer from seinfeld. It could be Egons brother. I really don't know though.

by thespud

21 years, 11 months ago

Julianne Moore
Sean William Scott
David Duchcovny
Orlando Jones

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 10 months ago

allow me to borrow a quote from sexysadie…**clears throat**…