Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by TheStayPuftMM

21 years, 10 months ago

Heres a good cast.

Eddie Murphy-Winston Zeddemore
David Duchovny-Ray Stantz
Kevin Bacon-Peter Venkman
Val Kilmer-Egon Spengler
Jamie Lee Curtis-Dana Barrett

by roshangar

21 years, 10 months ago

Here's my general take on the topic of new Ghostbusters:

If I ever see Ben Affleck as a Ghostbuster, I will vomit out my entire digestive tract from sheer horror.

PS:I'm not kidding.


PPPS:Ben = No

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 10 months ago

What do you have against Ben Afleck? He's not a pop-star, he's not a mega-moviestar, and he's dating the prettiest woman with the best backside in Hollywood (J-Lo). Plus, he was in all of Kevin Smith's movies (damn good movies, too). So, what's so bad about him?

by roshangar

21 years, 10 months ago

He's the kind of guy I can imagine saying, “duuuuuuh”.

He ruined Jack Ryan.(Tom Clancy is one of my favorite authors)

He can't handle the cold in Chicago(where I live). While filming here this winter, he was heard saying, and I quote, “I have never been this cold, and I'm from Boston. I felt like throwing up.” It was so bad for him and the rest of the cast that they decided not to film here and went back to LA. Thus he lacks tolerance for low temperatures.

He and J.Lo want to remake Casablanca. Casa-frickin-blanca!!!!!

Need I say more.

Right after I signed off for the night I watched South Park, and guess who guest starred? Look, all I want to know is why Cartman woke up next to a naked Ben Affleck. Thats all.

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 10 months ago

Well, to each his own opionion. I don't have anything against Ben. He's not the worst actor alive. But, believe me, there are worse choices than him.

by RogerJohnson

21 years, 10 months ago

Man, I just vomitted in my mouth while reading through this list… I think it's cool that every one wants to see people who might be able to do the part and all, but aren't a lot of them too old by this point? Besides, Sam Jackson would not make a good ghostbuster. The standard possesed guy role, maybe….

I think the only cast Aykroyd would give his final concent on is one that is made up of kids from his old stomping grounds, SNL. Jimmy Fallon as Pete, Chris Parnell as Ray, Will Ferrell as Egon… and Ernie Hudson as Winston because he hasn't aged a damn day since 1989.

Aside from those guys, the daily show news anchors have a pretty flexiable vibe to them… minus John Stewart… unless it's a cameo.

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 10 months ago

Some of these are pretty good choices…I personally think David Duchovny would play a better Venkemen character. Venkey's character has a certain dryness to him, that wisecrack humor…but…He just also has a forwardness about him….can turn into that “tough-guy” type real fast…and i couldn't see Matthew Perry pulling off the latter…I just couldn't see Matthew Perry pulling off something like that final scene in GB 1…? “this chick is toast” and from that line on…i just couldn't see him there…Now, this is specifically speaking if you were talking about just casting him as a Venkeman Clone…He might be a decent GB..but i don't think he could play that lead by himself.

by SpectrDisturbed

21 years, 10 months ago

only if Dan uses the EGB:

Kylie-Michelle Rodriguez
Roland-Pete from Smallville
Eduardo-David Borenanez
Garret-i would say that kid from the Sapronos i forgot his name but he got arrested for something..
..and also after seein Wynona Ryder in beetle juice agian i would totally want her as a ghostbuster..hopefully she wont like steal a jumpsuit or something.. :d

but those are just my opinions :d

by Mr.No_Ghost

21 years, 10 months ago

Winona stealing a jumpsuit…my friend, thanks for making me laugh. The idea of that is so said , its funny!

by TaxiCabFloor

21 years, 10 months ago

I think it'd be unrealistic that we're giving “casting choices” applying to a new GB movie, and assuming that Eduardo,Kylie,Roland and Garret will be the team….If that ended up being the case…and the movie was based on them…then it would most likely fail.