Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 10 months ago


by thePizzaMaster

22 years, 10 months ago

Okay, granted Britney Spears is a sex symbol and she would bring all the teenage guys to see Ghostbusters3 but um….seriously, Britney Spears!? How about an actual career actor and not a “pop singer”.
Now before you all bite my head off for bashing your Britney let me say one thing: I don't care. I hate the way she dresses and her music isnt all that great. I am allowed my own opinion, even if people think I'm dumb. Seriously folks, think long and hard about who you want as the world's last Ghostbusters. Think really hard. The actors are one of the things that can make or brake a movie. I just comedians or sex symbols, they have to know how to act.
Well, I've probably pissed off enough people for tonight so I'll just leave now.

by bigpapi428

22 years, 9 months ago


by Jay_Tigran

22 years, 9 months ago

he was okay in Evolution, but we're talking GB here…a much better comedy/sci-fi flick.
Britney Spears???
No. Not even as a walk-on roll should she ever be introduced into the world of Ghostbusters…

I don't know who would make a good cast though… most of your ideas are great, and I can't come up with anything original or not already thought of by you guys…

by spookbuster

22 years, 9 months ago

I would want the same cast, Ghostbusters just doesn't feel the same with Bill, Dan, Harold, and Ernie.

by srv

22 years, 9 months ago

Chris Barrie
Robert Llewellyn
Craig Charles
Danny John-Jules

This would only make sense if you've ever seen Red Dwarf… Although I'm not sure if I would want to give portable nuclear accelerators to these four.

(Don't ask, it's my first post, and I've been up since 5 AM. wink

by J.C

22 years, 9 months ago


Chloe Renne as Janine!!

Craig Charles: Egon

Danny John Jules: Ray

Chris Barrie: Peter

Robert Llewlyn: Winston

(Better anything than that toupee!)

by ProdigalSon

22 years, 9 months ago

Spears!!!!!! what the? she would ruin the movie, yes as everyone said she'd probably bring in a lot of hormone driven guys but do you want a sequal for the sake of it or do you want a great addition. Personally i'd never want to see anyone else play any of the orginal characters. as new members Tina Faye definetly, perhaps David Duchvney (couldn't remember how to spell it) a.k.a. Mulder playing a bad guy or even a gb. Joseph Fiennes from Enemy at the Gates would also make a good villan and bring some belive-ablity to it. Just my opinion.

by BusterJJS

22 years, 9 months ago

I'd keep Dan because he's my favorite, but for new GBs here's my list.

1.Ewan McGregger
2.William Scott(a.k.a Stifler)
3.Hayden Christain
4.The First 7-up guy from evolution.


22 years, 9 months ago

i think my casting would be…

Akroyd and ramis still in it to guide the new ghostbusters.

new GB's

Brad Pitt
Sean William Scott
Wesly Snipes
Jenifer Lopez

i think all four could handle the roles
but if i were akroyd and sony pictures i would try and lure murry in to making a third GB installment without the new GB's