Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by Ectoman

22 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, there was no improv in Ghostbusters.

by Proton_Pack

22 years, 7 months ago

Im detecting some sarcasim there Ectoman lol.

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

There's a difference between improv and adlibbing. Besides none of the Whose Line guys would fit in GB3.

by BruceLee

22 years, 7 months ago

Britney Spears write a song? Ha! That's a good one. She couldn't write a good song if her life depended on it. As far as Spears being “rock”…are you sure you are listening to Britney Spears? Just because she has a guitar or whatever in the background doesn't classify her as rock. Puff Daddy rapped to the beat of Kashmir by Led Zeppelin. Does that make him rock? She is about as pop as you can get. The only real reason people saw her movie is because she is pretty hot. I don't mean to sound like an @$$, but I really don't think she would fit as a GB. She doesn't have the look or anything. She's just not a GB.

Going on that, I think it would be difficult to find ANYBODY who could actually live up to the roles of the original guys. They are the only ones that can play a Ghostbuster like it is supposed to be played. It's not just the look, but the feel of the character. The super intelligent, yet normal person mentality is tough to find. Almost everybody that was named is too Hollywood. The original guys were just normal people, and sadly there are not many normal actors in Hollywood right now. A super model looking Ghostbuster just doesn't fit the mold. They'd have to dig down to find somebody that is young enough to be the age they want for this new breed of GBs, but they aren't super good looking pretty boys. Just a bunch of normal Joes. I can't think of anybody right now that would fit. They'd almost have to be complete unknowns because almost all of the big, young stars in Hollywood are “pretty boys”.


by boogie138

22 years, 7 months ago

My vote goes to one man only…

CONAN O BREIN!!!! think about, his quick, funny, smart and he would just be a great new gb. he could easy fill the shoes left by bill. not many people may agree with me, but his odd ball humour would fit perfectly in the world of ghostbusters.

conan hands down

by vinceclortho

22 years, 7 months ago

chris barrie would make a kick arse ghostbuster. what about hank azaria or eddie izzard? also if theres going to be a female GB they should get janeane garofalo(?). to go with a monty python/SNL crossover it would be cool to see michael palin or eric idle as a walter peck-esque character or even have the film directed by terry gilliam.

by mrpecker1

22 years, 7 months ago

Am I the only person that thinks David Duchovny would make a great ghostbuster?
Just watch him in Evolution and think about it. Hes got that nerdy personality, he does the right kind of comedy, and he just seems like he would be a great character in a gb movie. Jason Lee is also a good one.

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

If he didn't do Evolution first. Otherwise I think Duchovny would make a good GB.

by mrpecker1

22 years, 7 months ago

What does Evolution have to do with him being a gb though? Just because the movies have the same director doesnt mean he cant be in both. Micheal Keaton was in Tim Burton's Beetlejuice and Batman.

by AgentD

22 years, 7 months ago

Uh…good point. I meant because his character in Evolution might be too close to whoever he'd play in GB3 and Beetlejuice and Batman aren't exactly similar characters. He might be tired of doing sci-fi anyway.