Who would you cast as the new Ghostbusters

by PF4Eva

22 years, 7 months ago

And what about Eddie Deezen? He's a legendary nerd from classic 80s movies such as WarGames. He would be an amazing GB. He kind of looks like Harold a little bit and they are around the same age.

by Sinister

22 years, 7 months ago

The current crew, except Murry, and

Danny Davito (replaces Murry)

Micheal Kain (Don't know why)

David Duchovney

Rick Moranis


by kid_gb

22 years, 7 months ago

Dan Akroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray (maybe…), Ernie Hudson, John Bulshi (From Blues Bros.(Is he dead?), Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Angelina Jovich (From Resident evil) and Bruce Willis.

A lot cast, but GB3 would be great. It has to have an All star cast!

MADA, a.k.a Kid_GB

“Who's up for an ass slappin' ladies?smile

by Zack

22 years, 7 months ago

yes John Belushi is dead, he died in '82 I think…his brother Jim though is still very much alive smile


by GhostbusterX

22 years, 7 months ago

I'd pick John Lenguizamos, Neve Campbell, Jimmy Fallon and Jack Black.

by StayinPuft

22 years, 7 months ago

Hell I'm thinking of Conan O'brien and Andy Richter now…. Oh and when making your selections, THEY MUST HAVE COMEDIC BACKGROUNDS…….

by thespud

22 years, 7 months ago

as new gbs, i'd cast:
1.rick moranis
2.jack black
3.jimmy fallon
4.jim belushi or
5.john goodman
6.jason lee

hmmm…. lots of j names…..

by wingsnut25

22 years, 7 months ago

Conan Obrien
Andy Richter
Jack Black

these three would be in awsome team..

Samueal L Jackson although in excelent actor, dont know if he would fit, although he did make a good Mace Windu…

Orlando Jones, is funny but I dont know if he would have the right feel to him

Sigourney Weaver looks younger and more attractive now then she did in the first two movies I dont know if that would work for the third four older ghostbusters and a young looking sigourney? if you dont believe me just watch galaxy quest…

by Zack

22 years, 7 months ago

Anybody think Eddie Murphy's new Pluto Nash movie reminded them of Dan's original vision of Ghostbusters when he wanted Eddie for it? with the space traveling and all smile That's one of the things I thought of when I saw the commercial


by Brendan_M

22 years, 6 months ago

There are only 3, but here it is:

Trey Parker
Matt Stone
Dian Bachar

Those would make the best Ghosubusters ever.