I have another awesome cast for GB3. The 4 new recruits/Ghostbusters could many different ppl. I like the idea of FInch but he seems too mellow, like he doesn't seem like the type of guy to have fun and be outgoin when something good happens. Also Ethan Suplee would be great. I like that idea. But u have to have a team of Ghostbusters that would work well together, and would make good chemistry. A lot of actors would seem good for the job but would they create good chemistry on screen between them and the others. Although I really like the idea of Ethan Suplee, hey who ever said u needed only 4 ghostbusters. There could be 5. Anyways enuff with the chit chats, heres my new, better, cast for the new Busters.
Ethan Embry-Sort of a Ray type of character, but also like Louis in a way
J. August Richards-Resembles Egon, and can be fun yet sophisticated
Michelle Rodriguez-Like Winston, tuff, doesn't take shit and is rather smart
Jake Busey-Most def. the comedic one of them all, oh so much like Venkman. Hes the ladies man and still smart and jokes every minutes. Dont know whats next. Hes a loud mouth mother F—–.