Who ya gonna call? Fan modders!

by Verdic

15 years, 7 months ago

I know I know. I have mixed feelings about this too. But if you're a PC Buster like myself then you share the same feeling of disappointment at how the PC platform was man handled by Atari, Terminal Reality (Sorry mates, but a 360 to PC port doesn't count as a PC Version) and Threewave Software, then this is great news!

It would appear the PC community is already hard at work. While I don't support the other parts of these posts in regards to cracking the game and supporting the piracy of the game. I DO support the programming of the POD file unpackers and the possibility at seeing some community uploaded mod content for the game. http://www.ecto-web.org/~spookcentral/index.htm

PC users don't get new uniforms, unlocks and achievements like the console folks do. So a mod here and there to add new textures to a uni or unlocking already existing bonus' doesn't seem like that terrible of a thing to me. It may be the closest thing we ever get to seeing a patch for the PC version eh?

What do you think?

by ectoplasmicresidue

15 years, 7 months ago

not bad at all. i feel this version is gimped, and shouldnt be. would love for TR/Atari allow the modding community sdk to the game, but TR already said no. granted we paid the least for the game, but still. i want more from it, and wouldnt mind having to have paid more if that would occur.

by lionheart1

15 years, 7 months ago

I was secretly hoping somebody would make a mod for GB:TVG on PC that changed the graphics style of the game to be like The Real Ghostbusters. That would just look cool.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

I was secretly hoping somebody would make a mod for GB:TVG on PC that changed the graphics style of the game to be like The Real Ghostbusters. That would just look cool.

That would be quite a large undertaking…though it would indeed be cool.

by OniellFord

15 years, 6 months ago

This is good news. Ever heard of a fan modding “clan” called LDSO (Living Dead System Operators)? They heavily modded TRON 2.0 without a proper SDK. They even made their own fan-made Sequal to the game!

Here's their website.


I posted on the “Ghostbusters” topic on the TRON-Sector forums about seeing if LDSO can try to get to work on the PC version, even though they are working on the “Killer App.” mod for TRON 2.0. So, I technically planted the seed.

by Verdic

15 years, 6 months ago

Nothing wrong with planting the idea. I may be working with AutoDesk apps a bit and do some retexturing if they can figure out how to repack the POD files.

by KillerBee256

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm sure that this game will atract a community of modders. One they figure how create new levels & ghosts I would love to see a level where ray with a little back this time could get revenge for what happend in that casper cameo…

by Mr.Jakeobs

15 years, 6 months ago

I'm sure that this game will atract a community of modders. One they figure how create new levels & ghosts I would love to see a level where ray with a little back this time could get revenge for what happend in that casper cameo…

I doubt it will attract that big of a mod community, if one at all simply because of the lack of multiplayer and lack of SDK. Most large mod communities focus on multiplayer-centric Mods or use to SDK to modify the game as the devs wanted (like Fallout 3 or Half-Life 2)

However, it would be awesome to be able to download little goodies to slightly change the experiance. It shouldn't be too hard to do something like recolor the uniforms to look like the RGB counterparts or something small but cool like that.

by KillerBee256

15 years, 6 months ago

Well it really all depends. I was/am a fan of an old Jurassic park game named trespasser. The game never had an sdk, but the fans made their own map editor, model import/exporters, slightly improved the a.i and new guns and dinosaurs. In a lot of ways the Jurassic park fan community is a lot like the Ghostbusters one, I suspect that a lot of people as kids like myself went from Ghostbusters to Jurassic park, because if you note on the fan moding site they quote/paraphrase GB in one of their news posts.

Some links
http://trescom.3dactionplanet.gamespy.com/ (moding site)

by Verdic

15 years, 6 months ago

We're already working on programs to handle working on texture files and what not. Don't worry, it already has a community of modders.