""Who Ya Gonna Call?" virginia ghostbusters


22 years, 1 month ago

Well this is for all you VA peeps out there, im only one man(or teenagers) with a mission, to Ghostbust, but i cant do that with out other busters, right? So im looking for a collection of ppl that are looking to form the real GBVA(Ghostbusters Virginia), all you really need is to be a BIG fan. Props will be delt with as we go, and dont worry not everyones stuff has to look the same, right now im about to start my 5 year long project called the Sci-Fi Syndrome, a small but good collection of props used in the words two best movies ALIENS and GHOSTBUSTERS!. More will be in GB though, and the GB part will going for a lot longer than the ALIENS part. So i hope we can find some ghostbusters without a home cause this is the time when virginia cried out, “Who Ya Gonna Call?!”